Does everyone need B-12 shots post-op?

I am about 2 1/2 years post-op and have never been informed about vitamin B-12 shots. I am tired all the time and wonder if I am supposed to be taking these. Can over the counter vitamin B-12 help instead?    — Lisa S. (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
If you had an RNY, you must supplement either with B-12 shots monthly or B-12 *sublingually* daily. The lower portion of the stomach that is closed off in the RNY operation is where the intrinsic factor that binds to the B-12 so that it can be absorbed is produced. Thus taking oral B-12 or foods high in B-12 will not do the trick in the post-op RNY. Excess B-12 is stored in the liver from what I have read (although people on here have said that it is peed out) - so it may be a couple of years before the body's reserves of B-12 are depleted enough to cause the start of pernicious anemia...JR
   — John Rushton

April 1, 2003
I would have to say that depends on the individual person. I was taking sublingual B-12 (1 tiny pill underneath the tongue) and when my blood test results came back they told me to stop them for a while because my b-12 numbers were too high. I thought I'd follow the advice of so many people on here that I started taking them on my own. But my surgeon had not told me to take them so I guess depending on your blood test levels if you need to take them ask your surgeon. Open RNY 05-08-02 -133# current 173 32# to goal. God Bless
   — Nellie S.

April 1, 2003
Please go get your b-12 levels checked. My Mom had RNY 2 years ago and never took any b-12(in any form)Just recently she was hospitalized and they found her b-12 level to be at ZERO!! Not Good! She learned a lesson the hard way and immediately got 2 shots to try and get her levels back up! Good Luck to you~
   — Kelly W.

April 1, 2003
Please go get your b-12 levels checked. My Mom had RNY 2 years ago and never took any b-12(in any form)Just recently she was hospitalized and they found her b-12 level to be at ZERO!! Not Good! She learned a lesson the hard way and immediately got 2 shots to try and get her levels back up! Good Luck to you~
   — Kelly W.

April 1, 2003
My Doctor has my B-12 (and many other things) level tested every 3 months. Perhaps you want to ask your Doctor about having a blood test done, nothing will tell you if you need supplements like a test.
   — George B.

April 1, 2003
I was taking shots once a month. Then Bi Monthly. Now I'm up to one shot a week. It helps but I'm still tired and weak.
   — Danmark

April 1, 2003
You know, some things work & some don't. We took no B12 at all for 6 yrs, and the levels were very well into mid-range. At the 6 yr mark, the levels atrted to get low enough to make me nervous & we started the shots. The docs had not noticed, but nothin' slides by ol hawkeye here now. So, we never had a crisis. BUT to figure the frequency of shots, we watch our labs still. Some people do fine on the sublinguals for years. But that would nto have been us as we do not prefer lozenges, chewables--anything like that. (just a matter of taste)
   — vitalady

April 1, 2003
Yes, you either need to take the b-12 shots, or take it sub-lingual (under the tounge). I would have some blood work done. My doctor requires the blood tests yearly after the first year. Your body doesn't absorb the B-12 in your stomach or intestines anymore, this is why it won't help if you swollow it. Good luck
   — Sandy H.

April 3, 2003
I had asked my surgeon recently at my three year checkup(it will be three years 06/06/03), what the difference was between the b-12 that disolves under the tongue, and the b-12 injected. He stated that the body uses the b-12 better than the other methods. It is an important part of our post-op living, which aides in our bodies' ability to repair itself. It might not be a bad idea to talk to your surgeon, or a family doctor, to find out what your blood levels (from having blood drawn)are, and what the benefits for you would be.
   — twenc

April 3, 2003
I take a liquid b-complex on top of the regular vitamins and my labs come out good, will be 1 yr post on 4-15-03
   — stacey1273

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