Has anyone else had stomach spasms upon taking narcotic pain killers post op?

Since I was about 3 months post-op I have had severe stomach spasms when I have had to take oral narcotic pain killers for injuries,(Tylenol w/codeine, Vicodin, etc.) I am now about 2 1/2 years post op and still have spasms with these. I can only take plain over the counter Tylenol. Has anyone else had this problem?    — Lisa S. (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I'll be 2 years post-op in July and have the same problem. Was able to take Ultram for a while but now it gives me severe pain. Have even tried the liquid Vicodin I had right after the RNY surgery and it makes me sick! Tylenol seems to be the only thing my pouch tolerates and I don't know about you but it doesn't help my pain all that much.
   — LLinderman

April 2, 2003
I had that same reaction at Christmas!I was almost 8 months post-op at the time and had not had a problem with crushed Tylenol. I had a really sore back and I took a Vicodin and crushed it. About a half hour later, I started having horrible pains in my 'stomach area'. Funny thing is, it lasted about 10 minutes then went away. It came back about 20 minutes later and was even worse. This happened 5 times and got progressively worse. Each time it happened it was so bad I couldn't breathe. My husband and father-in-law wanted to take me to the hospital but I had a full Christmas dinner to cook for 13 people so I just got through it. I have never taken another Vicodin and I probably never will.
   — LynneSteinmetz

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