What should we look at more ..The Carbs or Calories in things?

I have noticed when grocery shopping that everything that is fat free or low fat is higher in Carbs but lower in Calories. If you get the regular its higher in Calories but lower in Carbs. What should we buy then? Lower Calories and higher Carbs or the higher Calories and lower Carbs.    — Debbie S. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
I am almost 11 months post-op and I tend to watch my carbs more then I do my fat content, I had the lap rny, so I don't absorb all the fat anyway, if I have to have carbs, I save them for late in the afternoons, then i don't craven them all day long.....02-27-02 --163 pounds and --105inches, starting weight 270/ weight now 107 pounds
   — bikerchic

January 13, 2003
hi there, im 11 months post op and have always been more concerned with the amount of carbs and sugars over anything else. ive too noticed that all the fat free foods are so much higher in sugars and carbs which store as fat anyhow so i save my money by buying the regular products and just remember moderation. i like what ive done and its working cuz ive lost 180 lbs! good luck to you! :)
   — carrie M.

January 14, 2003
Its like mixing apples and oranges. We should try to eat low carb, or actually eat the good carbs-the complex carbs, like whole grain breads, beans, veggies, fruits and minimize the bad carbs-those white carbs, like anything with white flour in it-white bread/rolls/cookies/cakes/pasta/rice. As for calories, we need to keep our calorie intake under control too, which is not much of an concern when you are an early post-op as getting in enough calories is the issue. Eventually, as you increase your food intake, calorie control may become an issue. My nutritionist said I should end up having 1200-1400 a day to eventually maintain. If I decided to graze and eat 2500 a day, then eventually I would gain. So, knowing how many calories you should have a day (and I think each of us has a different total amount to maintain, 1200 - 1400 being right for me), you can decide if you want to purchase the higher calorie and lower carb food as long as it fits into your total calories for the day. Hope I didn't confuse you!
   — Cindy R.

January 14, 2003
I look at grams of sugar... and then protein count. I dont look at fat, carbs, or calories. I try to stay under 4greams of sugar per serving... and try to get as much protein as I can.
   — Valerie H.

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