Should I be this hungry one week post op

Five days after my surgery I had a sudden feeling of ease in my new stomach. No more tightness or pain. But, a very obvious feeling of hunger. I am sticking to 'the diet', but I am to the point of fatigue, headache, nausia, dizziness, irritablity and nervousness. I am hungry all the time and only stop myself from ingesting more food because I know I shouldn't, not because I can't. I have experimented with water, and I basicly have no limit! I went in for my one week check (with my surgeons P.A.) Of course, I told him everything I am saying now. He relayed this information to the surgeon and the response was. Stick to the diet. Heck, if I could stick to a diet I would never had the surgery in the first place! He said he will not discuss an adjustment for at least 6 weeks. Though I am loosing weight, it is not worth the side effects of this NEW diet. By the time my Dr. is willing to discuss a band adjustment, I am confident I will have gained back my weight. I am very disapointed and very frustrated. My question is, is this normal? Is that why my Dr. is being so lax about what I am stressing over?    — Rhonda B. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
I had the same problem. Check out my profile.
   — Kathy J.

November 14, 2002
hi there! :) this wls affects everyone differently. i was never ever hungry until about 5 months out and then i was hit with a real appetite again. i really did though at first deal with alot of head hunger which was rough for me but i slowly adjusted. i delt with alot of low energy and light headedness at first but it got so much better as i was healing and taking more calories in. best of luck to you and hang in there :)
   — carrie M.

November 15, 2002
I too am hungry alot, but it is because I drink when I eat sometimes and we should not do this. Not drinking while I eat is the hardest part of this surgery for me. Maybe if you really try to wait at least 30 minutes before you eat and 30 minutes after you eat before you drink, the food will have a chance to digest before you wash it away with liquid. Just a suggestion, hope it helps.
   — Angela B.

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