I am 6 weeks post op and have only lost 36 pounds. Is this normal?

I know I have read a lot of profiles that have lost weight a lot faster than I am losing. I started out at 283 six weeks ago, and am now down to 247, but I see people who were littlier than me who have lost more. Am I doing something wrong, or does this weight loss sound about right?    — nchaudoin (posted on October 28, 2002)

October 27, 2002
Hi! I had lost about 30 lbs in 6 wks. I am losing very slowly, but doing what my dr and dietician said to do. I try not to compare myself with others, as like you, it seems like everyone is losing faster than I am! It is hard not to get down about it sometime, but as long as you keep following your dr and dieticians guidelines, hopefully it will come off! Thats what I keep telling myself! At least I havent had any gall bladder problems or hair loss.....and the wt is slowly but surely going down! Age and metabolism could be playing a role in all of this too! I am almost 50, and my middle name is menopause! I have always been a slow loser, and have been a yo-yo dieter for over 40 years....So I am thankful that I AM losing and continuing to! Keep up the good work and keep the faith! Take care and God bless! Reenie
   — Reenie K.

October 27, 2002
Don't worry about how fast you drop the weight. I am 3 months post op and have lost only 50 pounds, but when I went in for surgery I was 247. Now I am 197 and feeling great. Since I wasn't that big to begin with I am losing weight slower than others. My doctor says some people lose faster than others. Keep the faith! Good luck!
   — Sherrie H.

October 27, 2002
Hi--I started at about 273 after I lost about 12 lbs RIGHT BEFORE surgery and when I went to weigh in at my surgeon's I had only lost 13 lbs at 3 weeks. I don't have a scale and don't weigh myself..but I dare say that I am not losing that fast. I'll probably be at 36 lbs (if I'm fortunate) at 6 weeks. I, too, get concerned..but am determined not to compare myself to anyone but myself. This is something that's all about me...and I know I'm not eating much and I know I'm getting my exercise (walking) it HAS to work. It can't NOT work...if I'm exercising and taking in few calories and drinking my water. So....I guess we're slow losers. Maybe this means our skin will adjust better? We could hope. :-) Keep up the good work and be gentle with yourself...
   — Karen K.

October 27, 2002
Well, what everyone else has said too - I'm a member of the slow loss club - ha! And I didn't have much trouble with hair loss, really loose/drawn skin, etc., I've been a slow loser since my 2nd month, I just plug along, slow and steady but you know who wins the race :) I'm 8 months post-op today, my goal was -100 by 6 months, but guess what I didn't make it, but I've almost made my revised goal of -80 lbs. by 8 months, who knows maybe I'll drop another 2 lbs. today, since i'm -78 lbs. But you know what I've NEVER lost 78 lbs. in 8 months, ever. I can cross my legs, I'm wearing a size large top today and I can feel muscles in my legs and arms - ha! Hang in there, do what the dr. says and it will come :) Lisa
   — Lisa F.

October 27, 2002
Hi, I started out at 304.5 (5'5) and at 6 wks post-op I was down 35 lbs...I am a big believer in we all know our bodies and everyone's is different. When you compare yourself to others, we start to have problems. Just remember, you have to EAT to lose weight, you have to get in at least 60g of protein a day to lose. I am 10wks now and down a little over 50lbs. Good Luck to you. ALso, months 3-8 are when the pounds really start to come off.
   — heathercross

October 28, 2002
Why do people insist on comparing their weight loss to others? Everyone loses weight differently. Period. You can take 100 people who started out at your same weight and height and you will have 100 different answers on where they were at 6 weeks or at any period of time. I read your profile-your doing wonderful on exercise. Now, just ensure that your diet sticks to protein first, good veggies and fruits, minimize carbs and sugar, drink lots of water and the weight will continue to steadily drop.
   — Cindy R.

October 28, 2002
You sound just like me, our start weight was the same and at 6 weeks I was down @ 37 lbs. This is such a fast drastic change, literally I did not notice any changes until about a week and a half ago. All of a sudden I walked past a mirror and had to back up!!!! What a great feeling! I also think at this point the fat is loosening up more than melting off. I am not at 12 weeks and down 57 lbs. and I know that although some others may have lost it faster, I am loosing for good this time (about 1 1/2 years ago, I did Meridia for weight loss and in 3 months of hard, hard work - I lost 32 lbs, and shortly after - gained it all, PLUS in no time). You have to look at the overall number, you have lost an average of 6 lbs a week for 6 weeks! I wish you all the best! We too, will reach our goals!
   — Dana B.

October 28, 2002
Nicole, unless you can ask everyone for a list of what calories they are putting in vs. what calories they are burning out, there is no way to compare. Weightloss is no grat science mystery. One person doesn't automatically lose faster than another (unless they have some condition)... unless they are doing something different. Eating XXX amount and burning XXX amount decides what we gain or loose. You may exercise more, therefore you may burn more and loose more than someone your same weight and height who is eating the same thing!
   — Karen R.

October 28, 2002
I think you are doing great---36 lbs is great no matter what the time frame is! I've only lost 82 lbs in 4 1/2 months, but I'm not sagging and haven't lost one hair!! Take your've got your whole thin life...and it's going to be alittle longer now that you've had the surgery!!!!
   — ILENE J.

October 28, 2002
I think you are doing GREAT! dont worry so much we did not put it on over night so it will take awile to come off relax your doing fine!
   — linda C.

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