Is sugarfree gum ok,during liquid stage of post op?

I have heard so many people say they miss the sensation of chewing during their liquid post op diet period. I was wondering if chewing sugarfree gum would be alright? My Dr. said he wants me to do liquids for a month, I am thinkin' I will be going through chewing withdrawls also!!LOL! My date 9-16-02    — Vicki M F. (posted on August 24, 2002)

August 24, 2002
check with your doctor, but gum is usually, if not always, a BIG no no.
   — barbara A.

August 24, 2002
In my humble opinion, Gum of any kind is a NO NO like the previous poster said. The problems that could cause would not be worth it. If you really need the chewing sensation (I know I did) try chewing on beef jerky, do not swollow, spit it out. It sure gives the jaws a good work out.
   — Jeri P.

August 24, 2002
As my Dr liked to say- go ahead enjoy your gum, and when you swallow that one wayward piece~I will enjoy having to retreive it from your pouch!! He really relishes in telling of thoses late night calls from patients in pain from gum, because IT WILL not breakdown...and usually won't fit thru the stoma--so the only way it gets out is.....
   — ~~Stacie~~

August 24, 2002
OH MY GOODNESS! I had no idea gum was a no no. I am 1 1/2 weeks post op and down 25 pounds I must say :), but I have sugarfree gum a few times a day. I am so glad I stumbled across this. Thanks!
   — Michelle J.

August 24, 2002
My doc said OK as long as you don't swallow it. I haven't risked it, because I used to have that habit!
   — jen41766

August 24, 2002
I was on nothing by mouth for 36 hours after the surgery and my surgeon had me chew gum (not even sugar free) to moisten my mouth. After 36 hours, he started clear liquids and the gum continued and does to this day (9 months post-op). I have never swalloed a piece of gum but a friend of mine did and it didn't hurt her (but she was 8 months post-op when that happened). You might want to ask you doctor for his opinion. I don't envy you being on liquids for so long. I was on clear liquids through day 4 and then on full liquids for a week. Day 12 post-op, I started soft foods (not puree) and by 6 weeks out I was eating steak. Good luck to you.
   — Patty_Butler

August 25, 2002
I've chewed gum from day one- it helps with getting the need to chew satisfied and later it helps when I have ketosis breath. Just don't swallow it! Good Luck!
   — Loretta E.

August 25, 2002
My Doctors instructions were no gum..A) it promotes gas, something you don't want after your surgery, take from me at 4 weeks post op, anything that promotes gas is not fun B) if you swallow it by accident it can cause a blockage, don't laugh it can happen...
   — Trish R.

August 25, 2002
   — bruce M.

August 25, 2002
I had NO idea that gum was a no-no! I had a duodenal switch on 8/8/02 and was so stressed out I snuck a peice of nicotine gum 24 hours after the surgery (ex-smoker). When a nurse walked in I panicked and swallowed it! I worried a little, but it's been almost 3 weeks and I THINK I am ok!
   — Jo -.

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