Do you feel differently

I was wondering....after the procedure do your insides feel differently or do you really even notice... Other than the fact that you feel full faster and in a different place?    — Dawn E. (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
That's a really good question! After I completely healed, I didn't (and still don't) feel different at all. I don't know about anyone else, but I really do feel perfectly normal.
   — blank first name B.

June 13, 2002
Like the previous poster, once I healed I didn't feel anything at all, but until the healing and swelling ceased, it felt like I was just EXTREMELY bloated. Immediately following surgery I didn't feel any different on the inside, I only felt the incision.
   — LaVonda H.

June 13, 2002
to be honest, and not to scare anyone, but i do feel different. I am 2 weeks post-op. The minute I got home, i felt my stomach was all twisted and turned around, it felt weird. it still feels odd inside, but a bit better, i trust it will go away in time. it doesn't really hurt anymore. I know it will go away, but i am very happy with my decision, and no matter how much discomfort or bloating or gas i have, it doesn't matter, I wouldn't take it back. I lost 25 pounds in 13 days already! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

June 13, 2002
I had lap rny a little over a year ago. I do sometimes feel different on the inside--sometimes when I turn over in bed I feel a kind of "thump" like something is moving. I seem to be more conscious of gas moving through my intestines, too, again a kind of popping as a gas bubble moves from one place to another. Nothing gross or drastic--just a little different.
   — ctyst

June 13, 2002
Once I healed, I have never felt any differently, and I am now 18 months post-op.
   — Maria H.

June 13, 2002
I guess its different for everyone. Mine never felt different, even immediately post-op. There was no pain, no funny feeling, nothing.
   — Cheri M.

June 13, 2002
Early on you feel wierd but once healed I would never know I was replumbed.Relax its NOT a problem...
   — bob-haller

June 13, 2002
Hi Dawn, and yes i am almost 4 month's post op and i still feel diffrent i do feel like i have been replunged i guess it is diffrent for bother's me so much i don't want to even eat because i can feel everything going down this really suck's for me. it makes me not want to eat.but hopefully this will get better in anyway good luck.
   — KIM B.

June 13, 2002
You do feel different early on, especially the place where your new tummy is, which is much higher than the old one. The full feeling is different too than before surgery. But other than that, no difference felt at all.
   — Cindy R.

June 13, 2002
I am almost 4 months out, it felt really different at first. I still can't sit a lot it hurts the new tummy I have to get up and walk around, which is good.I have a lot of tummy girgling and rolling. Also it feels very different when I need to have a bm, don't know why on that one. It's hard to explain it but I sometimes don't know that's what I need to do. I am getting use to it now and just go to the bathroom and all is well again.
   — Sharon L.

June 13, 2002
I think it depends on what kind of surgery you have. I had lap rny 5 weeks ago and most of the time I forget about the surgery all together. I am eating everything I want I just get stuffed really fast.
   — Linda A.

June 14, 2002
I have noticed something weird. First thing in the morning if i drink something really cold i could always feel it hit the bottom of my stomach. Now the bottom of my stomach is in a different place. This is not an uncomfortable or bothersome feeling. Its actually kinda funny.
   — RebeccaP

June 14, 2002
Hi...I had LAP almost 10 months ago, and most of the time, it doesn't feel any different, but sometimes, when I drink something, I can feel it move from the pouch into the Roux limb of the small doesn't hurt, it just feels really weird...almost like a "kerplunk"! LOL...
   — lily1968

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