Has anyone had experience with Dr. Marco Patti or Dr. Osteroff at UCSF

I was just reffered to Dr. Osteroffs office last week and have heard that Dr. Marco Patti does the surgery...was wondering if any of you have heard of either?    — Kenneth C. (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 8, 2002
Kenneth, I just made an appointment today with Dr. Osteroff. You have to go to Dr. Osteroff first, then Dr. Patti. My appointment is August 8th. I've heard good things about them, but you have to lose 10% of your body weight before they will operate. Also, it took one month for them to call me back to make the appointment. Leslie, the coordinator said that if all goes well and I lose the weight before my first appointment then they could probably schedule me for surgery sometime in October. Good Luck!
   — Kimberley D.

April 11, 2002
Hi-Dr. Patti is my surgeon. I am 3 months post-op and have lost 50 lbs. I feel great and I am doing well. I have a detailed profile that talks about Drs. Patti & Ostroff. E-mail me with any questions. Take Care and good luck!
   — Barbara H.

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