Has anyone ever had a open RNY with severe Asthma or bronchitis and made it through?

Wondering what is the outcome of people having open RNY with severe asthma and/or bronchitis. How they came through the anesthesia.    — Debbie S. (posted on March 25, 2002)

March 24, 2002
looking for a dr. that take public aid in illinios
   — blake55

March 24, 2002
OPEN-RNY 6-26-01. I was probably more concerned with my asthma and the effects of anesthesia and recovery than anything else. I spoke to the doctor and he assured me that I would be watched closely in "recovery" and my level of anthesetics given to me during the surgery would take into consideration that I had asthma. After surgery a respiratory therapist gave me treatments every 4 hours for 3 days. They monitored by blood gases regularly to insure I was getting the proper amount of oxygen. I did my breathing exercises religiously with my "device" given to me during pre-admit. I was very impressed with how my "asthma" was addressed during the entire procedure. By the way, I've never had an asthma attack since surgery. I don't use my inhalers anymore. I've lost 110 lbs...and my asthma with it! You'll be just fine. "Breathe Easy"!
   — Ed D.

March 25, 2002
I have well controlled severe asthma and did just fine. I take Singulair and use Serevent 2 puffs twice a day. Since the surgery, I have almost completely stopped using my rescue inhaler (Ventolin or generically albuterol sulfate). The anes..anesth...guy who puts you to sleep, is usually quite adept at managing these things. Be sure to talk to him/her. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

March 25, 2002
Hey Debbie, Ditto goes for me too. Had severe asthma, daily use of my inhaler along with medications. The doctors should tell you to take your inhaler with you to surgery, they will have you take it before you go in, and they will watch you carefully during surgery. Nothing to fear. The weight will come off, and you will also feel your asthma getting better. The more weight you get off your body (chest and lungs) the better you will be able to breathe. Goodluck, I had my surgery on 2-22-02 and that was the last time I had to use my inhaler, but still currently taking my Accolate pills. Hey, its a start.
   — Gwendalyn W.

March 25, 2002
Jen my wife had Asthma very bad before surgery. Her breathing problems are what convinced her to go ahead with surgery. Down 54 pounds she is doing great! She was on 23 diffent meds pre op at age 32. She is off all but a few pills today. Her pulmonary doc says MOs asthma is brought about by the lungs not being able to expand because of fat. The fat acts like a corset in the old days causing fainting. Jen needed to rest after walking a VERY SHORT distance. She is MUCH improved today and is back to work:)$ You can do it too~!
   — bob-haller

March 25, 2002
Well her doc said the compression of her lungs caused inflamation and resulted in asthma. Whatever it doesnt matter, her improved condition is FANTASTIC!
   — bob-haller

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