Just found out i have H plyori Bacteria

Was scheduled for 4/4, my last blood work up came back postive for H plyori, went to Gasto Intestenal Dr, was put on prev pac for 14 days then will have Endoscope, is the H plyori common in patients or am i the 1 in a 1000, who have it.? Obviously my sugrey has been postponed until a date to be determined based on the scope.    — Sharon C. (posted on March 21, 2002)

March 21, 2002
hi, I too tested positive for h-pylori, I took my prev pac then had my surgery, my sister is also h- pylori positive , her doctor found this out a couple months ago and my mom has peptic ulcers, which is what h-pylori causes!! If you ask me its hereditary, at least in my family! good luck to you, Becky
   — rebecca N.

March 21, 2002
I tested positive not only once but twice. I tested positive in 1999 right before my gall bladder surgery and took the prev pac for 14 days and it was the most unpleasant experience I have every had. I've never felt so sick in my life. I had a re-test done 3 weeks ago and tested positive again. This time I talked my doctor into a different treatment. I took 40mg Prilosec, 1000mg of Biaxin, and 2000mg of amoxicillan. It was a little rough towards the end but I tolerated the second treatment much better. I had the blood test done again on Monday and I'm waiting for the results. The doctor said they don't know what causes it so they can't tell you how to prevent. I know my husband doesn't have it because I made him get tested after I came up positive the 2nd time. I guess you can't get it from kissing. We are just the lucky ones....
   — Traci B.

March 21, 2002
We're not more prone to HAVE it, just more prone to FIND it. Because we are more likley to be checked than the general public. My docs now test pre-op and nip the little bugger in the bud before they alter our stomachs.
   — vitalady

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