Anyone have Psoriatic Arthritis, and have WLS?

I cannot find any information regarding people that have Psoriatic Arthritis and have had Weight Loss Surgery. I really need some input here. I am worried the stress of the surgery might speed up the spread of the arthritis. I also have the Psoriasis, and the two are related. I hope someone has some input on this subject.    — MsPatooti (posted on March 18, 2002)

March 18, 2002
I have psoriatic arthritis and had rny surgery 9/14/01. I've had it for around 6 years and was diagnosed with a severe case of it. I'm on methotrexate only, since the surgery. My doctor doesn't allow any ibruprofin after surgery. But I'm doing great and my arthritis is doing much better. I don't know if it's a coincidence, because I've been in remission stages before. But the difference is my spinal problems are almost completely gone. I think it's because of a lot of weight being gone and not having to lug it around anymore, it was probably hard on that area. Also, your doctor would know what's best for you and they can answer all your questions better than I can. Feel free to write to me at any time if you would like. Good luck!
   — Kathy P.

March 18, 2002
I have psorisis and I'm 7 weeks open RNY I was also worried about this but if anything losing the weight has helped! I only have some pain in my joints now but it seems to get better everyday! I would have this surgery again! Good luck in you journey!
   — Jennifer J.

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