Does anyone know of anyone who started out at 220lbs......

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who started around 220, 5'2 and was having weight loss surgery. With bad family history, everyone one in the family is super obese, with diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, the Dr. says I qualify, but I always get negative critisim because, I am not in the 300lb weight range.Its like being discriminated against, just because I am not as heavy as someone else, but yet they always say I wish I could of had the surgery sooner. What do you do with the negative comments? Already the surgery is going to be hard, but with so much negative comments at the work place, just need support.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 28, 2002)

February 27, 2002
I am 5'4 and 235 so I just barely qualified. Please do not give up. If the Doctors say you qualify then listen to them. I felt the same way when I went to my consult (still waiting for ins to respond)and I seemed to be much smaller than others there that day. I sort of felt out of place. I have the same things running in my family as you do as well. So please help yourself before it gets worse. There is no need to wait until you are 300lbs plus.
   — Karen W.

February 27, 2002
i am 5 ft 1 in and 227. i am 7 weeks post op.
   — laura B.

February 27, 2002
I am a post op as of Jan 3rd 2002. I am 5'3' and started out at 225lbs. I have many comorbs.I have lost at least 33lbs already and I am just under 2 months post op.It has made such a difference in the way I feel and getting around.I had about 90-100lbs to lose so yes I qualified for the surgery with no problem.Being that I was this weight when I started, I was able to have the LAP RNY instead of having the open procedure.So there are benefits to having this done at a smaller size.What did I do with the negative comments?? I ignored them.It's my body,and I knew that I was only going to get bigger if I didn't do something.
   — garyzgurl

February 27, 2002
I started at 5'2" and 230 lbs with a BMI of 43. I was considered a lightweight but never gave a second thought to when people said I didn't need the surgery. My weight was going nowhere but up. I wasn't sick yet (only high cholesterol--now gone) but why should I wait until I get sick and risk dying on the table? I came through the surgery just fine and reached goal in 7 months. I have lost a total of 98 pounds and feel great! Food no longer controls my life. I have the rest of my life to look forward to instead of dreading each passing year as I get fatter and sicker. My family also tends to be big and I chose the proactive approach to hopefully avoid the heart disease, high blood pressure, and joint problems that my parents and other relatives are facing. My sister has struggled with her weight for 30 years and is still struggling with it. I can now move on and focus on the best parts of life. I wish she had been able to do that. How much time and money have been wasted being miserable on this or that diet or program? Ignore the negative people. We each have our own decision to make and it is not anybody else's business but yours.
   — ctyst

February 27, 2002
My name is Linda, I'm 5'4, started out at 243 and now 204. I had open rny on December 21, 2001 and doing good. I wish it would drop faster, but at least the inches are gone. I was more solid weight and didn't look near 200, but I was 100 lbs. over and compared to others in the support group I am a light weight, but for me it was a personal choice to get the excess weight off to lower my blood pressure, take some pressure off my bad back, and to feel over-all healthier than ever. Do what you have to do for yourself, don't let others determine what is right for you. Good luck.
   — laflagal

February 27, 2002
I'm 5' and started at 235 with a BMI of 47. I have been told so many times that I'm a lightweight but I've never felt like it. I too was critized and told that WLS was too drastic but I think for those of us that not only fight weight but are also vertically challenged its even more important for us to do something to take control of our weight before we start to have other health problems. Don't let what others say concern you to much. Just remember that you are doing this for you and your health and that you and your loved ones will benefit from your decision!! Good luck and remember you're never alone. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

February 28, 2002
I am 4'11" and started out at 240 pounds. I have asthma, arthritis, and my body used to hurt all over! I had my surgery on 11/9/01, and am now down 65 pounds. Having this surgery changed my life!!!!! I feel so healthy now and even light on my feet. I too, had people who couldn't understand why I wanted to do this and they thought I was crazy. My own mother wouldn't speak to me for 3 months after I told her I was having it done. (She now thinks I look great!) If you want to have this surgery then do it. It's your life, your body, and only you can make this decision. Good luck to you!
   — Wendy H.

February 28, 2002
I am 5'3 and started out at 220. My insurance had an iron-clad exclusion so I ended up self-paying. I knew that I would get a lot of negative feedback, people saying I am too thin for this surgery etc. That is why I told 2 people in my family and that was it!!! I did get a lot of people questioning my decision that did my pre-op work, such as x-ray techs. anesthiologist etc. I just knew in my heart that this was the best thing for me and noone was going to change my mind. I am now 9 months postop and at goal.
   — [Anonymous]

February 28, 2002
Hi. I am 5'5" and about 245 (size 20) and I have yet to see people even blink when I tell them I am having WLS...I WISH more people would say "Gee...are you sure you really need to do THAT?" Oh well. I am prepared for it to come off a bit slower, but I figure by this time next year I should be THIN. All the best to you.
   — rebeccamayhew

February 28, 2002
It is so much better for you if you have the surgery now before you become 300+#. It becomes more and more dangerous the heavier you get to have surgery of any kind. I am 5'04" and am at 255 with a bmi of 44, I too am just at about 25# over the minimum of 100# overweight. I have not experienced any persons in my life that disagree with what I have chosen to do, having surgery. They are all behind me 100%. I feel sometimes that it is ignorance and jealousy on those persons part that do not want you to have the surgery.
   — ChristineB

February 28, 2002
I am 5'2" and I weighed 230 at my first visit. (238 when I finally had surgery). I actually gained about 10-15 pounds before my first visit to make sure I qualified. Since surgery on May 15, 2001 I have lost 94 pounds and gone from a size 24 to a size 8. I had high blood pressure and GERD (both now gone) and like you, a strong family history of obesity and all its resulting ailments. I was actually the skinniest one in the family for many years! At a size 22! Don't apologize, don't explain, do what is best for you and don't look back. Just say, "Thanks for your concern, I'll think about what you said." Think about it for the few seconds it deserves, then move on, and forget it. A year from now some of them will be asking you for your surgeon's number. I can't begin to fully explain the great feeling I have as a post op. I recently went to Mexico with hubby and kids and it was so fun to wear a bathing suit and not be self concious, to swim, snorkel and SCUBA dive without feeling uncomfortable. Yes, even to see male heads snap around when I walked by. It was great. By having surgery now you have a much better chance of getting where you want and looking the way you want. If you could lose a hundred pounds on your own you would have done it. If you qualify and you are truly convinced you want surgery then do it. I have zero regrets. I am so grateful everyday that I did this.
   — blank first name B.

February 28, 2002
hi...i am 5 ft 3 and pre op was 136 pounds and had surgery 5/12/01 open rny. i was told by many on a yahoo site that i was to thin and i needed will power and alot of heavyweights sent me emails to my computer privatly condemming me...hello.. anyway i went through with this as i have heart issues..genetic and i was gaining slowly but surely. all my family are 6ft plus and i am the runt of the when i took in photos of all my tall thin family members i also took one in of my great grandmother who was 4 ft 11 and 250 plus pounds so possibly it was a recessed gene from her.... the anethatist said to me are you sure you want to do this...when i was in my gown.....of course. dont listen to anyone but you as we are our own best friend and our own worst enemy so you need to decide all i knew was i would of never lost the amount of weigh i have without this. i am roughly 3 1/2 months post op and i weigh 85 kilos and i swil and walk and exercise daily . my cardioligists eyes popped out her head when she saw me last week and the ecg was the best it has ben in 11 years and now thats saying something.... people will critacise you if your big or small some are just like that but its how you feel inside at that time to how you handle it.. I SAY GO FOR IT....
   — Rachel F.

February 28, 2002
hi...just a was 236 not
   — Rachel F.

February 28, 2002
I am 5'10" and had a starting wieght of 420. I have always been disturbed by the comments from others on this very site about "lightweights". Does that mean I am a "heavyweight"? Remember to always think in terms of BMI and percentages. I have lost 160 lbs in less than 6 months. some people on this site who have lost only 80, 90, or 100 lbs. in the same time frame tell me how jelous they are of me or discouraged about their own progress when in terms of % we actually lost the same amount. Please everybody remember that we are all dealing with issues no matter what our wieght is. I feel no ill toward the 220 pounder who wants to have surgery just because I was 420 and had more to loose. Just my thoughts.
   — Danielle M.

February 28, 2002
I guess I'm a "super light weight" LOL!! I was 208 and 4'11". According to the "charts" I should weigh 108 so that's one reason I qualified 100# overweight! BMI 40 plus several co-morbids, and countless diet attempts! I was in!! However, at my 6 week check up my dr. informed me I only needed to loose 50# more that would put me at 130, he said this is a good weight for me. I would like 120-125, but we'll see how i feel and look. For me, it was a health issue. I have seen 300+ on this site w/ little or no co-morbids. But of course they qualify because of 100+ and high BMI's. So far, I have never been bashed on this site, and I'm probably one of the smallest weight wise. I have found nothing but support here. Good Luck!!!!!!1
   — Cindee A.

March 1, 2002
I see you have several answers to your post already, but I just had to add my two cents!! I started out at exactly 220lbs and I'm 5'2. I had surgery last July and have lost 62 lbs to date and I'm still losing. I feel 1000x better than I did before surgery. I knew I was on the lower side of the BMI chart but I also knew I had the potential to gain more and more weight over the years. I have several family members who are morbidly obese. I have watched them struggle with their weight over the years and I knew I didn't want to be like that. I am SO GLAD I had this surgery. I have been given a new life. Im 39, have 3 kids and I look forward to the future now like I had never done before surgery. I look forward to the day I can buy a dress to wear to one of my kids weddings and not dread having to buy a tent!! Life is great.
   — Elizabeth C.

March 1, 2002
When I had WLS I weighed 357 pounds at 5' 3" tall ... BMI was around 63 .... but I wasn't always that heavy. In my twenties I weighed between 220 - 270 and gained/lost/ gained/lost within that range. Over the years, I got older, heavier and sicker, until I couldn't stand it anymore. At 357 I had more health problems than you could shake a stick at, felt awful all the time, and had a very poor quality of life. I was 43 when I had surgery and I know I wouldn't have lived to see my 50th birthday ... maybe not my 45th! The way I see it, why wait until you are older, heavier and sicker ... if you can have surgery, lose the weight and have all those healthy years? It just doesn't make sense to me. Weighing over 300 pounds is painful and unhealthy and I don't wish that on anybody. Depending on how you define it, I was either super MO or real close to it when I had surgery, but I assure you I don't begrudge anyone the chance to have surgery and avoid all those health problems that I developed after years of morbid obesity. The way I deal with the negative comments is by keeping it to myself. I was very, very selective about who I told about my WLS because I wasn't interested in hearing the opinions of others. I am lucky that I have a supportive family and I can always come to AMOS for support and understanding. If you have already told everyone, you could say something like, "Oh, you don't think I should have WLS? That's interesting because my doctor feels that I am a good candidate and that it will improve my health and my chances of living a long life." Also, please remember that you don't owe casual acquaintances any kind of explanation. If the negative comments continue to bother you, another way to handle it is to politely but firmly say that you don't want to discuss it and change the subject. Best of luck to you .... I hope you have a smooth surgery and an easy recovery. Have your surgery and get healthy ... living well really is the best revenge.
   — Lynn T.

March 1, 2002
i am 4'11'' and was at 208..bmi at 42. i too have morbid obesity in my family with other serious health problems in my family of which i do not suffer from currently but i am sure i would have been headed there shortly. so don't let anyone's negative remarks discourage you. having this surgery has been the best thing. 3 mos post op and i have lost 47 lbs. people will not say anything to you after you come into work skinny. that is because their jaws will be too wide open to speak..good luck and go for it!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

March 1, 2002
I started this journey at 4'11 and 218. 9 months later I am 143 and have never felt better. Prior to the surgery I was diabetic and had high blood pressure. I was constantly fatigued and had quit my job because I felt sure I was going to drop dead in the hallway one day. I knew the eventuality was that I'd only gain more weight, feel more miserable and possibly die. I bet those who start the journey heavier wish they'd done it earlier! Do what you feel is right!
   — kylakae

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