Has any one tried herbalife drink?

   — pamela S. (posted on February 25, 2002)

February 25, 2002
I don't know about their protein drink but 20 years ago I tried their weight loss products and it was the worse (most dangerous) diet product I was ever on. As for me, I'd never do anything with their name on it ever again. I never did both bathroom "things" so much in my life... and since Herbal Life, I can't hold my water. Yes I know it's been 20 years, but that has never improved since taking that crap. I assume that their protein drink would not do these things. But as for me, I'll never trust Herbal Life again. Not for any of their products. But no doubt you'll hear from others here who like their products. But in that case, I would "kid them", if it is so good, why did you have WLS? lol
   — Danmark

February 26, 2002
Actually early post op I used their hi protein drink with 0 sugar grams. It tastes better than most protein drinks but only has 15 or 18 grams of protein. They have 2 kinds of protein drinks, one has more sugar and is mixed with milk. The one I had was mixed with water. Not bad to try and see if you like them. I never took their pills or other "supplements", I was just trying their protein drinks. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 25, 2003
Herbalife was DISGUSTING! I tried this as a weight loss program, and it made me constantly nauseous, affected my blood sugars, and gas like you wouldn't believe. I wouldn't go near this stuff ever again, even if it was the only thing in the rescue pack on a desert island.
   — Mary Beth T.

February 25, 2003
Herbalife has changed... it isn't so bad. They, in fact have many different options. You can check their website. My sister used to use it (lost 40+lbs. and has kept it off). They have the reg. drink mix (I'd mix with milk & 1/2 banana) and a low-carb mix (mix with milk or water solo) and then they also have two protein drinks (mix with water). The supplements options have changed as well (with or without ma-huang). When I was really into it- they only had the reg. drink mix (full o carbs) and I didn't know of my condition (PCOS) and how carbs added to my fat- so it did not work for me (much) for weight loss (but then NOTHING I tried did!) the little I lost and the supplements DID, however, make me feel good. The all around program made me feel good, but then I do assume any workout regiment with a healthy diet that gives good nutrition, along with vitamin and mineral supplements will do that for you if you stick with it.
   — Karen R.

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