Any suggestions on good healthy snack choices?

Please don't mention Beef Jerky...I can't hardly stand it anymore. Has anyone had pretzles? Raisins? Pistachio's? Popcorn? Are these o.k. to eat? Thanks for your input.    — Lisa B. (posted on January 12, 2002)

January 12, 2002
Hey there, I have heard from many different people that they like to snack on cheese strings, yogurt, fruit, and hey how about...... Turkey Jerky! LOL Best to you!
   — Jennifer M.

January 12, 2002
i have discovered roasted & salted soy nuts. they r fantastic. lower fat content then nuts & a great source of protein. provides me with that snacking satisfaction & breaks down real easy when u chew.
   — sheryl titone

January 13, 2002
Hi, a few suggestions...GenniSoy brand Soy Crisps which are delicious, they are the size and taste of mini rice cakes but you can have 25 of them for 100 calories and 9 grams of protein,2G fat, 1G sugar. Creamy ranch and barbecue flavors are the best! I find them in the Health Food store, some GNC's have them, but not all. Website is, I snack on Kashi GoLean cereal right out of the box, or Protein Plus cereal. They are a treat! High protein and low in fat, etc. Also, for a sweet treat, FF puddings; mix with CoolWhip Free to make it like mousse, delicious.Or, I freeze CoolWhip Free to make it like Ice cream, what a low cal, low sugar low everything delicious treat, better than ice cream in my opinion! I drink lots of flavored herbal teas throughout the day, great for fluid intake as they are caffeine free. Celestial Seasonings has good ones, such as Vanilla Hazelnut, English Toffee and Apple Cinnamin Spice among others. They take away the hunger and urge to snack. There are lots of good healthy things to snack on, go the health food store and spend time reading labels and sampling different things. Have fun!
   — Vicki K.

January 14, 2002
My favorite is Robert's Gourmet Pirate's Booty. Sounds dumb, but it's basically very low fat, low carb, TASTY cheese puffs! YUM! You can order it online from where you can also see their whole product line. I also eat popcorn without a problem, and even eat some fat-free pretzels once in a while.
   — Julia M.

January 14, 2002
I have discovered a wonderful snack--soybeans, or Endamame as they are referred to in Japanese. Look for them in bags in your frozen vegetable section. They are a low-fat, HIGH protein snack. They tend to be a little on the high fiber side, so go easy on them. The frozen beans come par-boiled, so all you have to do is throw them in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain, rinse with cold water (I like to eat them cold), salt to taste. To eat, just pop the beans of the pods. I eat them for dinner or just snacking while watching a movie. Good way to get protein in...
   — Heidi S.

January 14, 2002
Dry Cheerios are a great snack. They are loaded with iron and taste good too.
   — Debra P.

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