How common is it to vomit constantly even water right after surgery?

My friend had surgery 4 weeks ago, and can not keep water down, and is constantly throwing up a mucus type fluid frist thing in the morning. I had surgery 5 mos ago and never had this problem, and we need some advice on how to deal with this. Any help wpuld greatly be appreciated.    — Valerie M. (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 26, 2001
Have her call her surgeon ASAP, she might have a stricture and in any case needs support for dehydration.
   — bob-haller

December 26, 2001
I\'d agree with the last poster. Call the doctor and suggest an endoscopy. It sounds like narrowing of the stoma. And it must be pretty bad if he/she is at the vomiting liquid stage. This can cause malnutrition and dehydration. It usually happens between one and three months out from surgery, because of the healing that is occuring. The procedure to fix the problem is nothing to worry about. I have had it done twice now. I hope your friend gets the help he/she needs soon.
   — Tracy L.

December 26, 2001
I had this problem. I am 1 1/2 months post op. I had a scope last week and it turned out that I had a marginal ulcer. Very easy to cure, but very important to get diagnosed. Please... tell her to get scoped ASAP. This is not something you want to wait on and have get worse. I have been pretty sick for awhile now, and am looking forward to feeling better now that I know what\'s wrong.
   — Janet C.

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