why do I vomit and some times not?

I am 6 weeks post op why is there times when I eat something and Im just fine and others I vomit does my pouch just not like certain things? the last few days have been the worse with vomiting! Thanks    — gerirose C. (posted on December 7, 2001)

December 7, 2001
You forgot to mention what type of surgery you had (Band, RNY). I remember 6 weeks out of my surgery I was still on pureed foods. Are you eating out of a shot glass (1 oz). That's what we're supposed to do per our surgeon's instructions until we hit our goal weight. If you are eating more than 1 oz, you could be overfilling your pouch and it's like an overflow valve. If it gets too full, everything will come back up. Is this just happening with foods or with liquids also. If this continues with liquids, I'd call the Dr. and see about getting a scope. Your stoma could be closing off (pending what surgery you had). When you are eating are you chewing your food completely to almost a pulvarized state (almost liquid).
   — trtorrey

December 7, 2001
This is the $64,000 question!!! Same thing happened to me about 4 - 10 weeks post-op. Take two identical days, two identical entrees, same everything; one day it was fine, next time I'd hurl! Who knows?! Maybe it's the phase of the moon! However, soon you won't hurl anymore.... I don't think I've thrown up in a month ( and I'm almost 4 mos post-op) It gets better.
   — Nancy G.

December 7, 2001
If I had a dollar for everytime I see this question I would be a very rich lady right now!!! LOL Nobody knows why... I was throwing up all the time for the first 3 months, then the two weeks following Thanksgiving I did great and maybe got sick once every 3 days... now the past two days I can't get stuff to settle. I wish I had an answer for you, but just know that you are not alone in this particular battle and that it does end eventually! Take care and hope your food starts to stay down better!
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 7, 2001
You are still healing for one thing. Plus I still throw up occasionally too. Sometimes it's because I eat to fast or don't chew up fine enough. And sometimes, I have no idea why I throw up. ;) But you are still early post op. It's a time of healing for your stomach, and learning what you can and can't eat and so on. Of course, there could be something else going on in which you need to see your doctor. My "guess" is you are just healing and it will pass. But if it happens to often then something else that needs medical attention may be going on. If you think that is the case then it is wise to call your surgeon's office and tell them what is going on. They would be the ones to best advise you as any of us can only venture a "guess".
   — Danmark

December 7, 2001
I had a narrowed stoma at 6 weeks out. This could be the cause, or perhaps you're eating too fast, not chewing properly, or eating foods you're not able to tolerate - you didn't post any specifics, so it's hard to tell. I can tell you, however, at nearly 2 years post-op, the tool still works for me if I don't do something right. It reminds me to return to the basics of eating the right foods in the right way. Hope you feel better soon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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