What does a pulled muscle feel like?

I have been to my surgeon and I do not have an infection but there is defenitly something wrong. The pain is high on my abdomin area. Could you please tell me what a pulled muscle feels like? I don't know what else it could be. Thanks    — Kelly C. (posted on November 19, 2001)

November 19, 2001
A pulled muscle feels like a feel it everytime you move or lift something. You didnt mention when you had surgery????? At 3 1/2 weeks out I had quite a bit of pain in my lower to mid abdomen and the surgeon said this is a normal process and it is just the body waking up from surgery. Have you had a leak test.....just to be on the safe side?????/ Feel better
   — Melissa S.

November 19, 2001
I believe I pulled a muscle two weeks after open rny by lifting groceries. It lasted for weeks. I was pretty much a couch potato for a long time - it was agony! You can look up my profile for details. I hope you heal fast!
   — blank first name B.

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