Haven't had a period in 5-6 years will this surgery make me start?

If It does make me start my period will it be a one time thing,or will I have one every month again. I'm 59 and already went through menopause.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 25, 2001
I don't think you have to worry about it. I am 52 and also post menopausal and had no problems.
   — MARSHA D.

October 26, 2001
Hey there, Yeah this surgery will make you start your cycle. Bring some pads to the hospital. When I told the nurse I got my period she said that all women who have the surgery start their menses as a result of the surgery. Unless you are post menopausal and not just skipping periods because of excess weight you should get your cycle. M
   — Michelle A.

October 26, 2001
I have had my period about 6 times in about 5 years , and that was with the help of provera. I had my surgery on 8/17/01 and 4 days later I got my period,I also had one for sept and oct. And although I hate it , I actually love it because it's telling me that I'm finally a little healthier.
   — Maria C.

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