I am 2 weeks post-op. My stool is a yellow color and I am still quite weak and dizzy.

I was wondering if this is alright at this time or does it indicate a problem.    — 184Howard (posted on September 26, 2009)

September 26, 2009
It takes awhile before your body adjusts. I had the same issue and still have yellow stools at times. I just had my surgery on 8/12/09 and also feel week, dizzy and feel like my heart is racing. I am just amazed at how fast the weight comes off......hope you feel better soon.
   — dkhonts

September 26, 2009
I remember it well. Don't worry it will go to normal after a few weeks. When you start eating solid foods, so give yourself some time. It will get better.
   — linxey

September 26, 2009
I'm 4 weeks out and still get dizzy. Mine was because I'm animic (sp) and didn't take my iron pills.
   — stephturpin

September 26, 2009
Your body & bowels are learning to re-work following surgery - it will get better (I didn't have any stools for about 3 to 4 weeks!!) And the tiredness - I was like that for about 4 months & the doc said it was quite normal!
   — ditzyangeluk

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