Approvals and Denials

Has anyone here ever gotten denied from their insurance after they did all the requirements. If so what was the reason for the denial and does the insurances expect you to lose a great amount of weight while going through the approval process? Thank you!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 19, 2009)

April 19, 2009
I was denied because I was 3 lbs. under the required weight. I wrote a letter explaining my situation, along with pictures and they approved me. My insurance didn't expect me lose any weight during the approval process.
   — tamibb

April 19, 2009
I was denied from PEIA. I did all the requirements (lost 10% of weight) and i have risk factor everything. Now you have to be with PEIA for a full yr. My yr will be up June 1. I'M GOING FOR ROUND TWO I WILL WIN!! good luck to ya dont give up.
   — tatormagoo

April 20, 2009
I suggest you call the insurance co and find out why you were denied. I was originally denied because they said I didn't do a medically supervised diet. Well I did and they had the documentation they just didn't realize what it was. I had fax all of my info again and go thru medical appeal and was approved. If you don't call it will take you weeks to get the denial letter in the mail stating the reason for the denial. The doctors office was handling this but I took it upon myself to follow up because I wanted to get it done. Once I had made my decision I was anxious to get it done and no one is going to advocate for you except you. Good Luck.It takes a lot of perserverence.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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