1 mo. post-op and craving junk food

I am 1 month post-op and have no complications. However, the past few days I have been craving junk food. What do I do?    — scraft120 (posted on January 27, 2009)

January 27, 2009
Hi Sarah, What I would do is substitute instant breakfast or yogurt to replace some of your cravings. Some yogurts are very sweet tasting. Just use healthy alternatives. Fruit is good. Good Luck and God Bless, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 27, 2009
Sarah, You might think about upping your Protein intake. It's scientifically proven that protein causes the body to feel full longer... If all else fails, be strict with yourself and snack on healthy foods! Best wishes!
   — Elizabeth J.

January 27, 2009
When I crave junk food I get refried beans from Taco Bell or chili from Wendy's. It helps and these choices are still sensible and within my guidelines. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

January 27, 2009
I know, most will not agree with me. But go ahead and eat some, be reasonable,chances are you will get sick and never want to eat that again. I have a list of things that I love and shouldn't eat. So once a month I pick one and eat it. I don't feel deprived and 4 years post op I have kept my weight off.
   — smparker2

January 28, 2009
I'm scheduled for my RNY next month. What college credits I have are indeed on nutrition. Fat craves fat and so does sugar. If you continue to eat junk foods that are fatening, you will continue to crave them. Best thing to do is detox your body for a week by eating REAL healthy & then by the following week your body may not crave it as much. Be mindful that while you detox, you may get moody and get headaches due to the withdrawal. Hang in here. You'll be just fine.
   — Ruth M.

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