I'm 4 weeks out as of tomorrow and I can not anything to eat. I'm sick of popcicles,

   — anajera (posted on August 11, 2008)

August 11, 2008
Hang in there. By now you should be ok to use SF pudding, SF Jello, broths (try flipping between chicken, beef and vege for variety), creamy soups (but make sure to strain of any chunks). It won't be long and you'll be able to add cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and if you can't eat it yet, low/no sugar yogurt. Make sure you get your protien shakes in. Keep them thin for awhile, but use SF extracts to flavor vanilla shakes. Get creative. I know it's hard, especially if you are hungry. This time will go by fast and before you know it, you'll be several phazes ahead. Dani
   — zandeldm

August 11, 2008
Are you still on the liquid stage?

August 11, 2008
I used baby food alot at that point. There is 7 grams of protein in a jar of stage one baby food meat. And creamed soups strained, low salt preferrably, diluted. I was having cottage cheese by 4 weeks out and just chewed it really well. Do you have a nutricitionist? If you are not being guided by a nut. I recommend the book..."Weight-loss surgery for dummies" It has been a great guide for me. I got mine an Good Luck!
   — lesleigh07

August 12, 2008
I hope you see your surgeon soon because popsicles are not healthy nutritious food...I also hope you are taking your vitamins and at least a protein supplement i.e. a protein shake daily. You have got to try to eat some proteins...MEATS, Beans, eggs, soy, cheeses. We all start with the same boring foods and graduate to regular meals lower in simple carbs and higher in protein. We were all huge before...WE KNOW HOW TO EAT! So eat without rice, potatoes, pasta, white breads and crackers/pretzels, sugar and greasy fried stuff. It's not that hard...You just have to puree or chew your food to mush. And eventually you graduate to eating more normal.
   — .Anita R.

August 12, 2008
Not sure what you you throw up everything? Can you keep down water? After 4 weeks you should be able to eat a lot of different things! You may have a stricture, this is where you are healing to fast and a blockage (scab) could be blocking your intake. I had two of these and was not able to eat or drink, it is very imporatant you call your surgeon ASAP. You can become dehydrated quickly which can lead to kindney your Dr. RIGHT NOW. Let us know what happens, best of luck!
   — wandajomorgan

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