Dave, or others who know, where do you find dried peas?

I have read several posts recommending dried peas for a protein rich snack. Where are they located in the stores? I have looked and never found them. They sound good to me, expecially if there is a crunch to them. Lyn Anders    — SkinnyLynni2B (posted on July 8, 2008)

July 8, 2008
Lyn They have dried peas both unseasoned and wasabi-seasoned in Chinese specialty stores (stores that sell CHinses foods only), they are in a silver bag/pouch. The wasabi are bitey but the plain are good and mild.
   — zieberrae

July 8, 2008
Lyn, you can order them at, they're $5 for a 1 lb bag. I'm about to order some myself to try.
   — DEBI R.

July 8, 2008
Costco has a large jar of soy nuts, "Dry Roasted Edamame" that are really good, crunch and lightly salted. 1/4 cup is 14 g of protein.
   — jw2crml

July 8, 2008
Lyn, I don't know where you live, but here in New York, you find then in the produce section at Wegmans. Good luck in your hunt! Ana Villa, RN
   — nursevilla

July 8, 2008
I look for them everywhere I go and can never find them either...I like to look for them in my area first before I order online...but I'm outta places to look...I had them before and loved them...The closest thing I found was dried pea crisps from Trader Joes...But they were like a cheese doodle only made from peas! They were REALLY good! (too many carbs, but I had to try them at least once!) I think Dave has a place to get them online if worse comes to worse! I gotta have some too! LOL
   — .Anita R.

July 8, 2008
I have seen them near the produce area in Publix. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 8, 2008
Farmers Markets have the best peas. Try whole food stores too. If no luck, I can send you some!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

July 8, 2008
I bought dried peas from a local farmers market, there is a stand that has candy, nuts, rice crackers, sesame sticks, etc,,,that have all of this individually bagged, LUCKILY I only paid $1.35 per bag, because they are really NASTY! But, I tried them, it didn't work out for me, I hope it works for you, but it really isn't that wonderful of a protein source anyway,,,figure there are 14 grams of protein & only 5 grams of fat in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. That sounds better to me, than some nasty dried peas, that have 5.7g sugar & 5.4g of protein per serving (more sugar/carbs, than protein is not good).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2008
Hi Lyn - Go to Weis Supermarket on Valley Forge Road and Sumneytown Pike. Right near the deli section they have dried Edamame. As mentioned in a previous post here, they are chock full of protein, good for you and satisfy that 'crunch' factor. I eat 1/4 cup of them daily as my snack. I believe the brand name is "Feng Shui".
   — Donna_in_PA

July 8, 2008
Go to - I can personally vouch for the fact that they are delicious; really satisfies the crunch and light salty cravings. Everyone I've had try them loves them. My support group leader calls them the "new potato chip" - they really are GREAT. Enjoy!!
   — NJOY

July 9, 2008
Hi all, you can get them online at Clark's Nutrition for only $1.35 per pound--the shipping is the same for 10 lbs as it is for 5 lbs! The web address is (type in "green pea snacks" in the search field and it will take you to the product) or you can copy the following link into your browser's address bar and it will take you directly to the product: Good luck! Steve
   — CherokeePhoenix

July 9, 2008
I can personally vouch for the site that "Steve", who posted before me, listed. They have the best price available!
   — pkwhite64

July 9, 2008
I Live in Canada And we go to the bulk barn here for dried green peas this is great news to me i have my surgery next month and i feel like i needto eat everything now this is good to know as i love those peas Thanks Cathy in Canada
   — cathacus

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