When can I expect the "rapid weight loss" I keep hearing about?

I had the RNY a month ago today and so far I've lost 16 lbs. I'm not sure if this is normal or if this is the "rapid" part I keep hearing about. My doctor told me that the first 6 months is when I lose the most rapdily. So how do I know if it's kicked in yet?    — Shamrock13 (posted on May 7, 2008)

May 7, 2008
Wow 16lbs in one month??? Thats awsome!!! I lose 2-3 lbs a week! Some lose quicker then others. Had my surg. 2/4/08 and have lost 61 lbs (that also includes the 20lb loss on pre-surg diet). sooooo im losing bout 13 lbs a month! Some weeks i wont lose any but the next week will drop 5lbs. Its weird.
   — TanyaMay

May 7, 2008
They say the more you need to lose the quicker you lose it but it depends on a lot of factors...I will advise you to move as much as you may not have clearance to exercise yet but you can walk (outside or on a treadmill)...remember it's consuming fewer and burning calories + malabsorbtion that lead to the rapid weight doctor said 10-13 lbs a month so you are right on target.
   — Sheri A.

May 7, 2008
FABULOUS! keep in mind there is no rate or speed. Everyone's body is different. You are losing what your body is comfortable with. Congratulations, keep up the good work!
   — bariatricdivalatina

May 7, 2008
You are doing just fine. With a bit of exercise now you can help speed things up and tone up muscles to burn more fat...Make sure you are getting in protein...You need that to heal and to lose!
   — .Anita R.

May 7, 2008
When did you ever lose more than 1/2 pound a week? Also remember when you came home from the hospital you were loaded with fluids from IV's. That takes time to get rid of as well. How much excersize are you doing each day? are you getting 65 to 75 grams of protein each day? Do you drink 100 Oz of water each day. Do you know all the rules and are you following them. The surgery is a tool. You deside how sucessful you are going to be not the surgeon or the hospital. You have a lot of work to do to be 100% sucessful. Your body will also toss plataues at you and you will stand still for a week up to 3 weeks, but that is when you do your part the hardes. Its all in your hands so work at it. As your doctor say, the first 6 months is the rapid loss period and then the next is just to get you to a BMI of 24.9. I have lost 100 pounds in 5 month. That is less than 3/4 of a pound a day, and I thought I would take off 1 pound a day. I had to wake up and figure out that at 5 months I am now down to about 1/3 lb a day average. I am please with the results, but I follow every rule and do all the excersizes in the gym for 1-1/2 hours per day even if it is at 5 AM or Midnight. You can do it, just get a positive spin and we wish you the best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 7, 2008
"Bigger people" will lose initial weight faster. I lost 150 total in 2 years, 100 pounds in the first 7 months after surgery. This first 7 months averages about 1/2 pound per day, about what your average is. There will be weeks with no weight loss, then other weeks with a little weight loss, some weeks with more. Just follow protocol, and let the surgery take it's time. There is no way to "hurry" it up except to exercise a little more. Than that may only burn off inches instead of pounds. There is no time "it kicks in", it's already done.
   — Dave Chambers

May 7, 2008
Hey...for me it was mostly months 2 and 3...I lost 70'll happen!!!! Peace & Light...Samantha
   — Samantha M.

May 7, 2008
You probably should not expect or want to lose any faster than that. The object is to build healty habits, not waste away. Your body will not let itself starve to death, so you must keep it supplied with nourishing energy to build muscle while it is using its reserves of fat to get you through the day. I had RNY 16 monthes ago and I have lost 115 lbs according to the scales, but the way I figure it I lost way more lbs of fat than that, because there were some months that I lost more inches than lbs, which makes me think I was replacing each pound of fat with lean muscle mass which is more dense so you shrink in size without the scale going ddown at all. Take your measurements, don't just focus on the scale. As soon as you are cleared for exercise, do it. start off slow, don't hurt yourself and just keep at it stedily and mix things up from time to time. That not only makes sure that you are working all your muscle groups, but it also "tricks" your metabolism into thinking you are asking it for extra effort :>) I actually lost most of my weight in 9 monthes, but I was wearing a size 12 in September and I am wearing 8/6 today. I may not get a cover shot on shape magazine, but I'm looking pretty good in my clothes, while the scale reads a much higher number than anyone who is bold enough to ask expects. Don't worry too much about the rate of loss as long as you are following all the rules!
   — canim150

May 7, 2008
Sounds like you are doing well. I tend to lose only a few pounds a week and sometimes not even that. I am almost one year post op and have lost 131 pounds.
   — Alvernlaw

May 8, 2008
On a regular diet without WLS losing 2 pounds a week would be fabulous and here you are losing twice that. You are doing great! You're kicking it!!! Go girl! 16lbs X 6 months is 96lbs in 6 months. Does that sound like rapid? Does to me? Keep up the good work!
   — waterlover

May 8, 2008
You are doing well. I lost way too fast at 12 and a half pounds a week for a few months. You don't want to lose that fast. It took a toll on me. Keep up the good work!!
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

May 8, 2008
Janelle, Don't get discouraged. I didn't lose real fast either. The amazing thing about this is how the weight loss is continuous. At times you might not lose but then the inches still continue to fall off. I'm about 10 months out and 100lbs less. It will happen for you too. Just keep using the tool.
   — neisha =.

May 8, 2008
You've lost 16 pounds in ONE MONTH and you don't think that's "rapid" weight loss? It would probably be very unhealthful to attempt to lose faster than that. Just keep doin' what you're doin' for as long as you can (the "honeymoon period"). Eventually you will get those hunger feelings back and your weight loss curve will flatten out.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 8, 2008
I don't know what the "rapid" part is either. Seems like I lost slowly. I am 1 year out now and down 100 pounds. I think EVERYone thinks it is going too slow, not loosing enough, etc... When ever before have you lost 16 pounds in a month? It WILL come off. (As long as you didn't have the Lap Band and are drinking Cokes and Milk shakes, which I am sure you are not...I couldn't tell which surg u had.) I lost about 10 pounds a month, sometimes more at the beginning, then less after 6 months, but now a year later I am at goal. It WILL come off! Really! :0D
   — MAG

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