
I know that it is normal to be nervous about this surgery. But, I am only two days away and getting a little scared. I Have had other surgeries and not been this nervous, It isn't the life changes that scares me. I think it is just this surgery. Has anyone felt like this before their surgery? Teresa    — teresasmiles (posted on February 5, 2008)

February 5, 2008
Been there done that! It's perfectly normal to feel that way. Just know that God is on your side and things will work out. I was really nervous until I got to the hospital and got ready...then because it was so very early and I of course wasn't able to sleep the night before because I was excited and scared, I started getting sleepy before the actual surgery LOL. Good luck, God bless and see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

February 5, 2008
Hello Teresa, I can't actually say I was scared. I think I was really excited about starting my new journey. i don't know howyour faith is but I would just definitely pray about it. Let GOD hold you as you approach this journey. i am now 9 months out and I can say mya hardest part was the liquid part of the diet. When you are use to eating, liquid is hard. I strted to pray a my weakest moment and GOD rocked me to sleep. He wil do the same for you, just ask. My pastor says GOD is concerned about his people, even if it is just yiur pinky toe that is hurting. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU IS MY PRAYER. Vanessa
   — Vanessa Dates

February 5, 2008
hi i just had surgury on jan 28th 2008 i am a week and 1 day out. I was very nervous even cried the night before with my husband, hoping things would go exactly correct and I would be ok the next day. I dont know if u ever had surgury before, but I never did. Never experienced anesthesia. I had two children, grown now but i had them naturally no meds no anesthesia. I was so proud of that. So not knowing how I would be with that I was nervous. I have sleep apneia so I was worried about that, I let some things get to me the night before. I prayed alot and let GOD take it into his hands and asked help from the angels above to watch over me. That morning I was a bit calmer,of course even calmer when they give you the med to just take the edge off. After talking with the anestheolgist i felt more confident too. He was confident everything would be ok so it made me feel ok. kissed my husband and told him I love u and it was done by the next kiss. I am doing pretty good. walking and eating full liquids. drinking alot of water. looking forward my doc visit friday to see what i actually lost in this short amount of time. I will pray for you , teresa and if you want you can write to me on my profile if you would like to. good luck!!! GET IT DONE!!! AND ONE DAY AT A TIME IS MY MOTTO. my new word in my vocabulary is DETERMINED. (Not to prcrastinate anymore thats what got me into the weight problem i had in the first place. GOD WILL BE WATCHING OVER YOU MAKING SURE YOU ARE JUST FINE.
   — changingmylifelinda10

February 5, 2008
of course you are scared. i was so nervous and scared. i didnt sleep well a few days before. i was so relieved when it was over. you will be too. just try to think of all the posotives and all the reasons why you are doing the surgery. good luck!!!

February 5, 2008
I am almost 4 years post op. I had the surgery the month after my 20th b-day. I was soooooooo nervous I had to take the whole week before it off of work. I was even thininking of canceling. The night before I just prayed that it would go great I slept great and the morning of I was still a little nervous but once they statrted preping me for the surgery I just felt a peace. I just thought I have mre of a risk staying heavy than I do having this surgery!!!! You will do wonderful. God Bless and Good luck. Please feel free to send me a message if you would like on my blog.
   — DD102205

February 5, 2008
Hey Teresa! I'm one year out from my surgery tomorrow (Feb. 6th) and I can remember it just like it was yesterday! I was a combination of scared and excited. Was looking forward to them putting me "under" so I could finally get some sleep... everything will be just fine and the feelings you are having are just what most of us have all felt on that life changing day as well. Good Luck and Happy Losing!
   — Toni Todd

February 5, 2008
I am just a week out from surgery and was nervous. I had never even had an IV let alone been in surgery. The night before, at about eight I started to get even more nervous. But then I started to think about what my future was going to be like after the surgery- for me it was maybe being able to have kids. So I just kep thinking, big picture. Kids. The day of the surgery, I was not nervous. Not even a bit. I wil pray that God will grant you His peace. Julia
   — julia3434

February 5, 2008
No, I was not nervous. I felt like I was FINALLY taking control of my life instead of the weight controlling me. It will be a breeze. Don't worry!
   — Carlyn M.

February 5, 2008
Yup, me too. I was so scared. I have had an emergency c-section and my gallbladder out, so I've had abdominal surgery before. This still kind of freaked me out a little. You know what helped me the most? I underwent hypnosis before the surgery. It really helps. Don't know if you can find someone in your area on short notice to do this for you, but it might be worth a try. Good luck!
   — Shirley D.

February 5, 2008
It is so normal to be scared. I was great up until the morning of the surgery. I pulled in the parking garage of the hospital and I lost it. Totally. I was so scared. And I couldnt even tell you why exactly. I knew I was in the best care I could be in. And all I kept thinking was what the outcome was going to be. I weighed 274 when I wnet that day for my surgery and I now weigh 133. So keep your chin up. everyone will say lots of prayers for you and keep thinking what your going to look like in 6-8 months. A new person.
   — Joanc

February 5, 2008
Hey there, I know I was a nervous wreck, i think it is natural. This was my first surgery other than a lapro. hysterectomy a few years ago, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was gonna be. It was a little painful for about 2 to 3 days and then got steadily easier every day since, my surgery was 1-17-08 and i had a open RNY, i'm almost 3 wks out and i'd do it all over again, hope this helps
   — Gert

February 6, 2008
Yes, i was scared to death. My bypass was on Jan. 14 (3 1/2 weeks ago) and I had to check into the hospital at 5:30 am and didn't have surgery 'til 1. That whole time I could do nothing else but be honest I even thought about leaving. I'd had other surgeries and while it's never easy this WLS, the one I CHOSE to do , was another story. As they rolled me into the operating room I began to cry. I then got lots of hugs and words of support and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room. MOST OF THE SURGERIES GO JUST FINE....but don't worry about being nervous. It just means that you understand what the whole process entails...and it is a big deal. Good luck to you...the first two weeks are the hardest. Chris
   — cjjordan

February 6, 2008
Teresa, I am a 62 year old male and had heart surgery, but I was scared too. I arrived at the hospital at 6 AM and was to be in surgery at 7AM but they had a emergency with one of the patients that was to be later in the day and took her first. I was a wreck, and when they came to check on me at 11:00AM the anthologist gave me a small shot and 5 minutes later I work up in my room (actually it was 6 hours later). It is normal to be nervous and scared, but it is the best thing you will ever do for your self. I am sure you selected a good surgeon and a good hospital and you just have to let them do their job. My god bless you and I look forward to hearing about your success when you get home. Best of success to you! Your on your way to a new Mini You!
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 6, 2008
Hi Teresa: I know exactly how you feel. I had my surgery 10/03/07 and I was very scared. I have two little girls and a wonderfual husband and I was a nervous wreck. For me, I had to lay it at Jesus' feet. I had faith that He would take care of me and keep me safe and take the nervousness away. AND He did. Just pray for strength and God will help you. We will be praying for you too. May God be with you and keep you. Beverly
   — okiegirl

February 6, 2008
I said the same, as written in my blog on OH here...I've had other surgeries, and was NEVER nervous like this...the whole blood clot thing was what got me...b/c it's not just getting through the surgery itself, it was the after part, the recovery that had me allworried...It was harder for me than I thought it would be, but I am 4 wks out, and very happy I didn't cancel... No more diabetes, and down 30 lbs as of today! I'm not a religious person, but I do believe all things happen for a reason...this is your time to shine...You will do well, just keep moving those legs...get up, do your breathing exercises, and know that this is meant to be....Michelle
   — Michelle M.

February 7, 2008
Good luck Teresa, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Im having my surgery on Monday 11 Feb so I really empathise with you. Tx
   — Tracy K.

February 7, 2008
Teresa, I panicked and almost jumped off the surgery prep table the day of my surgery. I think it was just a case of nerves, But im here to tell you I am so very glad I didn't listen to myself. I stayed and this has totally turned my life around. I often think of how things would have been if I would have left that morning. I am so very glad I didn't. I think everyone feels this type of anxiety. I think its because during the process everything seems to move so slow waiting for approval and going through all of the Evals. Then once you get your date it feels like everything moved incredably fast and it gets kinda scary. It will be ok. Believe me. You won't regret it. Congrats on the surgery and God bless my friend.
   — Jo_Michalko

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