food in throat

i have been post op for 3weeks now my doctor told me i could go on regular foods the problem is whenever i eat it feels like something is caught in my thoat i wait 30 min to drink my water sometimes longer but no matter what i wat it feels like something is in my throat at first i thought it was from the tube being in my throat the after math but now it scares me help clueless!!!    — shorty04 (posted on December 23, 2007)

December 22, 2007
Not always but sometimes I feel this exact same thing! I thik u may need to eat a tad slower and chew more and more and more...........forever it may seem! LOL, hang in there, i'm six weeks post op and I feel that occassionally, hope this helped!
   — 1gr8auntie

December 22, 2007
I have had the same thing happen to me. When I eat baked chicken, forget it. If it's happening with all your food, I'd wonder if the food was moist enough for you. Maybe you should puree your food and moisten it for a couple of days and then try really soft foods with lots of moisture. I use salsa or low fat, low sodium cream soups for moisture as needed. A couple of tablespoons really helps, that and chewing very small bites (the size of a pencil eraser) very carefully. ~Shirley
   — Shirley D.

December 22, 2007
I am three weeks out and I have the same issue with soft foods and even cold water. I called my Doctor yesterday and he tells me that is common. I am on soft foods right now, but he tells me to chew them very well and make sure that I am taking very small bites and keeping to no more than 3 oz at a time in total food. It gives me a knot in the stomach for 45 minutes. Water seems to stick about 4 inches down my through, so he suggest warm water or a little warm decafe tea. This seems to help. Hang in there, I am told after a month things good easier.
   — William (Bill) wmil

December 23, 2007
I remember this so well. You probably need to take even smaller bites and add moisture to your food such as canned gravy or a little mayo. It does get better. Congratulations on your surgery.
   — Christine M.

December 23, 2007
Hello Congratulations on your surgery. I think it is too soon for you to eat some foods, soft foods should work alot better. I am about 6 weeks out and there are still food that give me that same feeling, moist foods work alot better and eat slow and chew well.
   — dapoohster38

December 23, 2007
I'm 2.5 months out and agree about taking smaller bites. Chew, chew, chew. Also, the fact that our stomach is now so small seems to contribute to the sensation you describe. Tom
   — Tom Y.

December 23, 2007
Thanx for asking this question! I am less than a week out of a lap band, and am able to eat soft moist food, mostly chicken noodle soup with verrry little chicken and very few noodles! I have found that what sticks the most is anything cold or cool. Hot and room temperature liquids and soups are the easiest for me to eat. I had a hiatal (?) hernia, for several years pre-op, and would routinely feel that spastic, choking kind of feeling on the first few swallows of the day. The feeling you mention seems to be akin to the spasm my esophagus would go through. Good luck and good healing! See ya on the thin side! Cheryl (aka Bidgette)
   — bidgette

December 24, 2007
Yep! me too. It actually hurts for a few seconds until it passes thru. The pain goes away almost as fast as it came on. Sometimes I take a little sip of water to help push it down. That usually works but I worry that one day it wont. It is teaching me to "slow down" and I am slowly learning that. Good Luck

December 25, 2007
Please take it easy and just eat baby food. It'll work in time. Be patient with yourself, ok? I am still hungry and I am 6 1/2 years post-op. I need money to have the lap band surgery over my gastric bypass. I can't lose any more weight and am gaining it. I can't do it without the surgery. Please help find a way for me? If I can win the lottery, that would help. Merry Christmas. Pam
   — Pam Fottrell

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