Did any of you get really hormonal after surgery? I'm kindof afraid of that.

Hi All- Just wondering if any of the women on the board got really hormonal after surgery? I understand that estrogen is stored in fat and I am really afraid of getting REALLY, REALLY cranky. My doctor said that some women don't get cranky but get really euphoric. Has this happened to anyone? I'm just concerned about constant PMS for months and months. Any input is helpful! my RNY is scheduled for July 7th!    — amysocko (posted on June 28, 2006)

June 28, 2006
No answer to your question, although I've been curious about that myself. Good luck on your surgery, you will be in my prayers. I go in 7 days after you, July 14. Can't wait.
   — Jenney

June 28, 2006
I don't know how old you are, however, I was 45 when I had my surgery, and went very menopausal afterward. Don't know if it was related.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 28, 2006
I have noticed a difference in my mood swings, it really didn't start until about the 6th month after surgery, I know before surgery that my period had almosted completly stopped and now they are back in full force. I know that is why my doctor recommended that I be on an antidepressent right after surgery because it is normal to have hormonal changes. I wouldn't say it was constant PMS for months and months but I do notice that it is worse about once a month during that time. Good luck with your RNY, I had the same surgery on November 29, 2005 and I am down 86 pounds with the help of exercise and life change as well.
   — speciallady

June 28, 2006
Well I didn't really get too moody, I cried allot!! And was on an emotional roller coaster. But that didn't worry me before surgery, I would have done anything to not be FAT anymore!! So if I were you I would concentrate on having a new life and body, and about how much better you will feel, not about my moodiness:) GOOD LUCK

June 28, 2006
I CAN ANSWER THAT QUESTION! I have been absolutely horrible, the things that used to aggravate the dickens outta me really tick me off right now! My boyfriend has a bad habit of knowing what buttons to push and he's been pushing them! He found out it wasn't a good idea when I threw my office chair at him. So he's calming down and I'm trying to stir clear of the things that really bug me right now. It affects each person differently, but if you have had bad mood swings in the past it can affect you that way after the surgery but bare in mind it is only temporary. So don't give up on having the surgery.
   — vlaster

June 29, 2006
You will likely experience hormonal fluctuations, and in that you may experience PMS type symptoms. I would say that it's not likely for it to go on for months without relief, but the mood swings can be strong. I was happy about my surgery and everything that was looking up for me, but I did have some crying jags that were odd. I finally put two and two together and realized that my hormones were fluctuating due to the weight loss. It was akin to when I was pregnant, but not on a constant basis. If you have major mood swings with PMS, talk to your doc about an antidepressant now to get a leg up on it. It won't happen immediately after surgery for most people though. Usually it takes awhile for the hormonal shifts to show up....probably within a few weeks to a month or so. Just be prepared and it will help. Just remind yourself that things will seem more intense for you at times and you might be able to talk yourself out of reacting when you feel like you have to. Good luck! Dina
   — Dinka Doo

June 29, 2006
Congrats on your date. I didn't get cranky post-op, however I was incredibly emotional and cried at the drop of a hat. It did eventually stop but it was a rough few months. Hopefully you don't have the same results.
   — Butterfly620

June 30, 2006
The first year after surgery will definately be an emotional roller coast. Not just for hormonal reasons, but because of all the changes you will be going through. How you respond to the new diminishing you, and how your family and friends respond will change dramatically. Just remember to spend some time thinking about what all you are going through and hopefully those around you will be supportive and understanding.
   — tonyapf

June 30, 2006
I don't think so, but then, sometimes we do not realize we are being cranky!
   — Novashannon

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