Sick of carring a throw up bag around.

Everything i eat i throw back up or it get stuck,for the last two weeks. Three weeks ago had a fill under xray got sick had to go in the ER and they kept me. the next day they took some out. I went on the diet for a week and a half. start back adding solids and get sick evertime. call dr today could not take it anymore. Got to go in tomorrow to get more taking out. I am so done with this lap band. Dont get to see my doctor until Sept 28 to talk about removing. I have made up my mind the band has to come out. I have lost weight for the first in a year becasue I am not able to eat or keep anything down. I cann not live like this. anyone had this going on. thank you.    — JANIECEMOM (posted on July 15, 2009)

July 15, 2009
I dont have an answer for you, except that I think you should contact your Doctor, and explain what is going on, he should want to see you, and find out whats going on, dont give up, just find a way to deal until you can see your own Doctor/Surgen! I had RNY 2/16/09, ate everything just like they said, did good for the first 3 wks. and nothing stays down anymore..I dont know what to do either..My appointment isnt until Aug 18, and I am so weak, and cant get any energy..I cant tell you when I have anything that stayed down..I know I'm in trouble, but dont know what to do either..But I will pray for you...Good Luck!
   — tomscandy

July 16, 2009
Ok try to relax. After a year I am suprised that you are still having this problem. Sounds like it is not working well for you. Try to eat slower only a few bites then wait and do a few more. Next time don't wait for weeks before you call the doctor. Two days of that is plenty. Be a pest and make it work for you for now.
   — trible

July 17, 2009
I feel your pain, that is why I had the band removed and went with RNY. Best decision I made in a long time.
   — lieutenant-ed

July 20, 2009
It sounds to me like both of you have a stricture. Look it up on this site or on WebMD. I'm surprised your surgeon and/or nurse didn't warn you about this possibility. I don't know the medical terms, but basically the opening to your stomach has gotten swollen and irritated and nothing or very little can get past that point. It is a simple surgical procedure to dialate the opening to the stomach. The surgeon puts you to sleep....they put a small camera down your throat to look around and somehow they dialate the opening. The procedure just takes a few minutes. This is an outpatient procedure and you are in and out in a few hours. I had this happen when I was about 7-8 weeks post op from RNY. I think you are jumping the gun about removing the band or being aggravated about RNY....I think you both need to have the stricture repaired and move forward.
   — Lisa B.

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