Leg cramps

Hi everyone, I am approximately 4 weeks post op. Had surgery 5/5/09. I have been waking up in the middle of the night with leg cramps. Whats up with that. Could I be lacking something "vitamins" in my system? It really hurts, help!    — SusanSp (posted on June 2, 2009)

June 2, 2009
My Doc blames this on not enough water, low and behold it seems he is right. When I drink my 64 oz. of water no leg cramps. They are very painful. Hope this helps you.
   — ramwelch

June 2, 2009
The other thing you might be lacking is magnesium. When I was having leg cramps, my dr. Rx'd 500 mg. of magnesium at night, and that took care of them.
   — lobo1056

June 2, 2009
Are you exercising more now? I doubt at 4 weeks post op it is a vitamin or mineral supplement deficiency. That comes later, so it wouldn't hurt to start the magnesium supplement. I get cramps in my feet when I stop my magnesium. I like the liquid Calcium and Magnesium. I use the Oasis brand.
   — smparker2

June 2, 2009
Susan, thanks for asking this question. I've been having the same problem and now have an answer. I've always gotten charley horses but after surgery I started cramping in the front of my legs - sometime from the thigh down.
   — Muggs

June 3, 2009
Low Potassium will also cause cramps like this.
   — trible

June 3, 2009
It's usually the electrolyes...(potassium and/or magnesium) My labs usually show a low magnesium level and not potassium. I have to take magnesium at least 4 times a week and especially on active days which is several times a week...It helps balance calcium and aid in calcium absorption as well and should be taken with your calcium...Take at night as it almost instantly stops leg cramps and restless leg syndrome as well as has a calming effect and will even help you sleep...I can take about 1000 mg of magnesium citrate before it becomes a laxitive! LOL So careful with the dosage! The tests for magnesium are somewhat new and up until recently there was no way to even test for magnesium because it is cellular and leaves the blood rather quickly...So just try adding a little magnesium and see if it helps you...It's basically harmless and if nothing else you'll have smooth moves for while! LOL They have a raspberry tea at Vitamin shoppe that is quite tart but a nice little treat with some SF sweetener before bed...It's hard to find magnesium citrate capsule at any store...You'll have to go to a health store or order online. I get a GIANT bottle of "Tender Magnesium" capsules from (they are 200mg each...I take 4 at a time with my calcium citrate for 800 mg)...But you might just test it out first and see how well it works for you before you order a giant bottle...If you use TwinLabs calcium Citrate they put 400 mg in their 2 tablets (one serving is two tablets) and in a severe cramp I will chew two and that takes the cramp away FAST! And it stays away...Just for your info! Walmart or CVS they have liquid magnesiun citrate in glass bottles used as a laxitive...It's less than 2 dollars a bottle and if you take just a swig (It's super tart..and will make your mouth pucker for certain) But I like it! LOL The entire bottle is about 3000 mg of magnesium citrate in a 10 ounce bottle...So just take an ounce or two max and see how that works for now...If you find that the magnesium helps, you might purchase supplements and take on days you are very active or at the start of a charlie horse...make sure they check your magnesium levels at your next labs too! Good luck! I love Bariatric Advantage vitamins...but their calcium wafer do not have barely enough magnesium in them ( I still use them for a flavor change)...But my first choice fo calcium is Twinlabs for that reason alone! Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

June 3, 2009
Hi again everyone, I went to the doctor and they did labs. I was very low on Vitamin D, B12, potassium and one other one, can't remember right now. Doc gave me 50,000 mg of Vitamin D and have to take two per week for 8 weeks plus 1000 mg Vitamin D daily. He also have me a script for B12 and had potassium through an IV today at the same time I had an upper GI to make sure I didn't have a stricture or other blockage because I have been having stomach problems as well. I will know the results of the upper GI tomorrow after they have read the reports. Thanks to everyone who responded to my question. Susan
   — SusanSp

June 3, 2009
Although I am at the very beginning of my journey, I had leg cramps soon after I was diagnosed with diabetes. My daughter brought up SmartWater which is a zero calorie waster with electrolites. I drink one to two 33oz bottles each day and no cramps unless I run out. It tastes like regular water and you can find it everywhere, many times on a 10 for $10 deal for the 33 oz. Hope this helps.
   — tlscannell

June 4, 2009
Susan, Just curious, if you wouldn't mind saying what vitamins you were taking and if you are a scheduled vitamin taker...Also, being that you have several deficiencies at once, did you ever have all your vitamin levels tested prior to WLS?
   — .Anita R.

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