1 week it possible to start soft foods

I am having a hard time getting the purees down. Haven't gotten sick but just doesn't taste good at all. Have tried a few soft things in small pieces and have been able to keep them down. Is it okay to start them now. Have lost 15 lbs.    — cazwadert (posted on November 19, 2008)

November 19, 2008
Hi, What surg did you have..I cant seem to find the info on your site. Also, didnt your Dr. & Nut give youa copy of the diet you were to follow?
   — tootsie52

November 19, 2008
I am not sure what kind of surgery you had. I had lap band surgery and had to be on liquids for 3 weeks after surgery. I then moved to pureed for 3 weeks and then I will get to move to soft food. If I was you I would call your Surgeon and ask him. If he has you on pureed foods he might let you have soft scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, grits and mac & cheese. I am on pureeds and my Doctor lets me have these as long as they are low fat. It is important that you get all of your protein in so make sure you get it in. Good luck! God Bless, Penny
   — pennyandcj

November 19, 2008
I had RNY and was on liquids for 10 days. Then I went to soft foods. I just called my nut and they gave me permission over the phone. DON"T do it without talking to your Nut or surgon first
   — phyllismmay

November 19, 2008
You should of gotten those instructions from your surgeon and nut. Each WLS has there own postop diet. It is best if you call your doctor in the morning. It is great that you lost 10 lbs so far. Keep up the great work. Good Luck !
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 19, 2008
Hi. As difficult as the liquids phase is, it's important to follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter, as the purpose is to allow your new tummy to heal. If you eat before healing has happened, you risk a leak, which can be life-threatening. Hang in there. You can do this. I'm on Day 3, so I understand. Blessings, Mary
   — marylaw

November 20, 2008
This is the honeymoon period. Didn't eating foods that we liked and tasted good play a major role into getting us fat. Stick with foods that do not taste great but are satisfying. My doctor said pureed for week two and then mashed for weeks three and four. If you haven't gotten sick, be happy and follow the rules. Research shows that the people who follow the rules for the first 6 months are the ones who have the most success, and isn't that what we are all after.
   — SharonZ

November 20, 2008
your surgeon should tell you what to eat, but with mine, i'm 3 months post op as of today, and day 6 after having the drains removed he has his patience eat a soft scrambled egg with melted cheese....other things we could have was refried beans, cottage cheese, peanut butter, etc...soft protiens. But all dr's are different! So I would find out from yours. I've lost 62 lbs so far...from 264 starting to 202 now! Good luck! Donna
   — Donna H.

November 20, 2008
Your doctor or nut has the plan for a reason. I would ask this question to them since they know the particulars of YOUR individual surgery. Explain the difficulties you are having and maybe they have some suggestions of things you could try or they may give you permission to graduate up but IMHO I think that should come from them. You went through the pain and risk of surgery, you owe it to yourself to follow their directions to maximize your weightloss and allow your stomach to heal properly. Whatever you decide I wish you well.
   — Kellye C.

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