This is a pain in the butt question....literally

I am over a year out from rny (10/25/06) and I have lost 224 pounds. I remember reading about people saying that after the surgery we would be cold all the time and our bottoms would hurt. Well I don't mind being cold, cuz I can wear so many cute clothes now however the pain from sitting at work is killing me. Does this ever go away, or is there anything I can do about it?    — Nicole S. (posted on January 2, 2008)

January 2, 2008
wow.. lol. sorry but I did not know that this would happen. I am cold all the time and my butt hurts from sitting too.. I thought it was just me, I will be watching your posts to see whats the answer. Thanks for asking,. I never would of thought that my butt would hurt.. Cynthia
   — babesintoyland

January 2, 2008 butt KILLS me. I get SO uncomfortable SO often during the day, I have to get up and walk around and around and around. It gets numb, tingly, and aches constantly. My commute home is the worst - sitting in traffic with no way out - can't get up and walk around. I have NO idea if it will get better - somehow I doubt it - losing all of that cushion - unless you build up some sort of tolerance to it, but who knows...anyone? COLD - I was always COLD before surgery - now, it's so much worse. In fact, I just got out of a hot shower to get my core heat back up - wearing thermals, a heavy bathrode, thick Alaska socks, a scraf and a thick knitted hat my mom gave me for X-mas. LOL. My honey laughs at me when I walk out every night - but keeps me warm. :)
   — jammerz

January 2, 2008
I am so glad you asked this question. My butt gets sore so easy. I thought it was because I had lost so much fat on my butt I could actually feel the bones. Something that I haven't felt since I was a kid. I too am colder than I was before surgery. But I seem to be adjusting to it. I look forward to more butt responses. LOL
   — mariamahoa

January 2, 2008
All of you need one of those inflatable ring type hemorroid pillows. Untill you adjust to being 'skinny' this can be quite painful.
   — Christine M.

January 2, 2008
Now don't laugh! Are you doing any exercises to 'beef up' your buns. For so long you may have had plenty of padding back, not so much. You are sitting on your flesh with the bone right up against it. If your behind is not firm and muscular you are likely to have a bruised feeling from this. I suggest uphill walking, eliptical exercises, donkey kicks, there are a bunch of bun exercises but I would put money on the fact that it would help. Good luck, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

January 2, 2008
I had this same "butt" problem for a while. I even injured my tailbone while riding a 4-wheeler, because I slammed down onto the bar behind the seat when going over a bump. There was no padding there to cushion the impact. I thought I would die before we got back to the cabin (it was like 3 miles away--all bumpy trails!)... Anyway, fortunately I recently had 2 babies (in 1 year) and I gained weight in that area. And of the 17 pounds I still have to lose from the baby weight, it is all in my bottom!! But even so, I still hurts if I sit too long.

January 2, 2008
I know exactly what you mean. I sat down in my husband's lap the other day (BTW loss 120 lbs down to 125), and he asked me to stop moving around because my bones were sticking into his legs....LOL Now that was a first!! Also, I am an avid deer hunter, and it is hard to sit completely still in a deerstand for 4-5 hours on this skinny butt. I never dreamed it would hurt like this. It even hurts sitting in bed reading at night. I have started inclined walking on the treadmill in order to beef up these buns....NO more "Sloppy Joes" Buns of steel here I come.
   — Txgal8437

January 2, 2008
wow I thought i was the only person with these problems I was always cold before wls 1/13/05 it's just worst now that i've lost half my body weight 140lbs and the but problem it hurts all the time sometime it feels like I'm sitting on a big rock but I guess it's just my tailbone, my husband says I'm just skin & bones he hates it when I sit on his lap because my butt bones hurt his legs
   — Lil' Booty

January 2, 2008
Yikes....I,m a freezy cat already @280. My BUM is soo big it is hard to imagine these difficulties but great info for a new loser(6 days out). I guess butt muscle exercise will go into my exercise routine once healed. Good luck all.
   — Foosin2001

January 2, 2008
i was ALWAYS hot before my surgery and now i am more normal and closer to everyone else, but not to the cold all the time part. (i have lost 45 lbs), but my butt does hurt and i thought they may have done something to me when i was in the hospital like when they were moving me from the stretcher to the OR table,etc. soo i'm glad to know that this is pretty common. my hips, neck and ribs also get sore if i lay in certain positions. i'm assuming that it will get better as our bodies adjust to the wt loss, but not sure. thanks for asking this question and i will also be watching to see what others say. i have my next checkup with my surgeon on the 10th and i'll ask him then and get back to you with his answer. Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

January 3, 2008
My surgery was july 2001, still cold, backside only marginally better after some weight regain.worse some get a permanent bubble butt in crease of two sides, like a boil that reoccurs occasionally, breaks to much relief, but never goes away totally. My theory is bubble butt is caused by loose skin being pinched. I much prefer the thinner healthier lighter me. These other troubles are minor.
   — bob-haller

January 3, 2008
I hit my 5-year aniversary next week and my butt still hurts! In fact, at my yoga class today, we did boat pose - think a V with you butt being the bottom of the V - it is SOOOO painful. My butt is still feeling that pose even though it's been hours since my class.
   — VickiStevens

January 4, 2008
All the padding that was covering your tailbone has probally melted away! Just like breast tissue drastically reduces in size, so does the excess butt tissue. If you press on your tailbone and it is really sore thats probally the source. I usually sit on a memory foam cushion that is small and can be taken with me to work. I notice if I can prevent it from getting sore in the first place it doesn't bother me as much. Some peple use a donut or see a chiropractor to have an adjustment.
   — rgreathouse

January 4, 2008
I am to new out from surgery to have this problem yet as I have entirely to much padding for my rump to get sore. I would suggest taking a small pillow or memory foam with you to sit on. I like Holly right now have the hip, neck and I have the left rib pain when laying or sitting to long. I am having trouble sleeping because of it even with lots of pillows stack all along side me.
   — iwilllose

January 5, 2008
bones do appear. One of our support group members told a funny story. They noticed a LUMP right before follow up surgeons visit. fearing they had cancer our surgeon reassured them it was thei collar bone, previously covered by fat
   — bob-haller

January 7, 2008
LOL! I went and bought PADDED toilet seats !!
   — MAG

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