I am 5 days post op, and I am having what feels to be hunger pains.

I have been following my nutritionists diet regime, but I have these "hunger pains". I feel like I'm starving. Is this something others have experienced?    — schylla71 (posted on December 22, 2007)

December 22, 2007
You don't say what kind of surgery you have had, but try getting some sugar free popcicles, and those hunger pains, I had too, they are called head hunger. If you are still hundry and really feel like it is your tummy, then give it more of what you are allowed.
   — Diane C.

December 22, 2007
Completely normal-- as the previous poster said it's head hunger. Something most of us have to deal with everyday. Try drinking more water, or a protein drink, or get busy doing something so you don't think about it. Take a walk etc. Good luck, God bless and welcome to the losing side
   — crystalsno

December 22, 2007
I always like to see this question because I started feeling hunger pains after about 1 1/2 weeks. I am now about 5 mos post-op (RNY) and I can tell you that it is not 'head hunger'. I was always aggravated at that answer because what I felt was just plain hungry. This is not to say you do not get cravings though. I have increased water and protein--that has helped. Also the amount you need to get full is of course very little. You have to be careful not to push the 'feeling full' envelope and make sensible choices. I think that my body does not differentiate between hunger and thirst so I always go for fluids first. It seems that there are a few of us that do feel hungry though. This surgery has been a blessing though and I do not regret it a bit (even though I had to have my gallbladder removed last thurs.)
   — Christine M.

December 22, 2007
Hi, I am 4 weeks post op, I had lap RNY. I get hungry a lot - and yes, it is real hunger pains in my stomach (not head hunger). It reminds me of when I'm pregnant and at the first sign of hunger, it is a severe stomach ache hunger. I get this hunger every 2-3 hours after a meal, too early for my next meal. Since I'm only supposed to eat 3 meals a day and no snacking, I've been drinking more during these hunger pains and if they don't go away then I drink a protein drink. I'd rather have an extra protein drink than add more food. If that doesn't help, then I will just eat a slice of turkey deli meat or something with high protein to alleviate the hunger. Usually the protein drink works. I wish I could be one of the ones without any appetite after surgery, but I'm not and as long as we're smart about what we use to take care of that hunger, we'll be just fine!! Good luck!
   — itzmetami

December 22, 2007
Diana C - hit is on the head! I had them too. Actually I had surgery in September 2007, and I still have them on occasion. Very rare, but I know I am not hungry, so I work through them with ice chips, or even warm water with lemon.
   — vkmays

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