Headache for 3 days now. I have been taking x-strength tylenol

but it does make it go away just takes the edge offf. I called my doctor and they said try taking one advil (Liquid gel) with your food. Has anyone tried this, i am exactly 4 weeks out. Thank you    — angel4 (posted on May 9, 2007)

May 9, 2007
contrary to popular belief, occasional NSAIDs will NOT destroy your pouch! No one has ever brought forth any bonafide medical evidence that NSAIDs can never be taken by post RNY patients because of pouch damage. It is all anecdotal and unverifiable info. Tylenol is a waste of time and money for me. The only thing that will even touch one of my headaches is ibuprofen 800mg. Oh, BTW, I'm about 4 1/2 years out from my lap RNY and never have had any problems of any type - and none from taking ibuprofen as needed! Just take it with food. (Which I did before I had RNY!)
   — koogy

May 9, 2007
Try increasing your water. Dehydration will cause headaches. Take a liquid gel Advil and a Tylenol together and it might not hurt to do a shot of caffeine with that. (Maybe you like coffee, maybe tea). Hope this helps.
   — Pambylah

May 9, 2007
I found excedrine tension headache.....asprin free. They are coated red tablets, go down easy and work on my headaches. I would think a gel cap was too big! Hope you find relief. Marie
   — Marie B.

May 9, 2007
Is your iron count low? I was getting headaches. My doctor upped my iron count and poof. Gone.
   — Jennifer K.

May 9, 2007
Did your doctor tell you to cut out caffine after surgery? If so you could be having caffine withdrawl headaches. If you think you might be having caffine withdrawl headaches, just take a small amount of caffine and see if that helps. My doctor told me to stop caffine one month before surgery so I would not be suffering from withdrawl after surgery. I hope you start feeling good.
   — barfiep01

May 9, 2007
I agree about caffeine...if you didn't stop it before surgery,you will be suffering now . Also,depending on allergy counts in your area,it could be sinus pressure,etc. I cannot take pills,as my doc makes the opening very small. I got all my scripts changed to liquids,topical,chewable,dissolvable. If the pain persists ,call your doc & see if it may be something else. I personally would not take any pills,you might have more problems getting them down and create trouble for yourself. Thanks for talking about this issue.
   — peacelovecat

May 9, 2007
Wow, this happened to me and I was dehydrated. They told me the headache and nausea that I had for a month after surgery was because I wasn't getting enough water. It was very hard for me. Finally had to be given an IV to be rehydrated and sure enough, the headache went away as well as the nausea.
   — MarthaS

May 10, 2007
Water may be your problem - I get bad headaches if I am low on the H2O. Hope this helps!
   — noralee

May 11, 2007
I did get the headaches before and after WLS; but I took aspirin free products such as Tylenol Sinus; because I am prone to Sinus headaches; that did not help any. I have suffered from dehydration; so you want to take in more water as suggested and have your iron levels checked as well. Nonetheless, my headaches maybe have come from a combination of factors; especially going from full meals transitioning to liquid only diet etc. Further, try to get as much water as possible I have had UTI/Bladder Infection and Dehydration at the same time; due to I am sure lack of Water. I hope this information is helpful
   — juzree

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