2 leaks at staple line...revision/reversal needed

due to the fact that one is going into my body cavity and the other is flowing into my reminent stomch. I am almost 4 yrs post op and have been told that I could leave it alone as long as I can handle the pain because it is too risky. I have been in a lot of pain and had lots of bowel problems. I guess I need to know if anyone has had this problem and what was the result of having revision or reversal done? Is it worth it? I think any leak shouldn't be allowed but I really don't know. I tried to get a second opinion, but it seems that no one wants to touch me. Any advice?    — mcurlyqeden (posted on September 5, 2006)

September 5, 2006
Wait a sec. If your food is going into your body, just running around loose, you'd need surgery TODAY, yesterday! The one that is going into your remnant stomach is not dangerous, but will cause you to regain all your wt eventually. I had a SLD at 5 yrs and it was revised without incident. I had 4 months of lost paperwork and such to get it covered, so I had plenty of time to be sure my nutrition was rock solid before surgery, so basically, although the risk was higher than the original, I weighed under 130 for revision vs 262 for original, and my nutrition was STELLAR, so it was ALMOST a "drive thru" surgery! (and I lost the weight I'd gained during those 4 months). Do you have to stay in FL to fix it?
   — vitalady

September 5, 2006
Agreed. I can't believe there is not a doctor out there that won't take you case even if you have to go long distance. I would have the surgery.
   — ccstann

September 5, 2006
I agree with Michelle You need to get this fixed immediatly. If you could get to any other area for a Surgeon that knows WLS very well. This is dangerous any way you look at it. If you don't get it fixed could cause problems & you still might have problems if you do have the fix, but I am sure they will be less than possibly dieing ffrom the leak. DO NOT WAIT!!If you do not trust your Doc to do it, find another one & soon.
   — Marilyn C.

September 7, 2006
I emailed you info on my surgeon who may be able to help or at least help you find someone in your local area. Good luck!

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