Has anyone had hairloss prior to surgery due to obesity?

I have been losing hair like crazy this past year, it just keeps getting worse. None of the doctors I have seen can figure out whats wrong. I have had thighroid tests- all normal. They have tested my hormones and my tastostarone (sp?) is slightly elevated but that's it. I am at my highest weight, I have been losing lots of hair on my head and growing facial hair and more hair on my legs. My PCP thinks maybe it's just because Im overweight so if I lose alot of weight my hair will grow back. I am worried that is not the problem and that it will never grow back. I just turned 24- I am not ready for this. Any info or responce would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — kristikat82 (posted on July 12, 2006)

July 12, 2006
i really dont know , but suggest you look under hair loss on the internet . Find out if anyone else in your family had this condition . It could be inherited . They have all different reasons on the internet . I would check it out for sure .I don't think its being overweight . It could also be hormones . Drs don't always know . sometimes you just have to keep researching till you think you have the answer or finally finds a dr who really knows due to an experience with a pt the dr has had before .Sorry i could not help more . good luck .Debbie
   — losingit

July 12, 2006
I can think of only 2 reasons for this: extreme anxiety and polycystic ovary syndrome. You said in your profile how scared you are of all your doc appts, and preparing for surgery can be a daunting task. Especially a surgery that changes your life forever! Extreme stress can wreak havoc on your system. I have PCOS - one of the symptons is the growth of facial hair. However, I have never heard of anyone losing hair head with PCOS. But this could also explain the elevated levels of hormons and testosterone. I don't think it's the weight. Like the other poster said, study up on those 2 on the internet. PCOS can be diagnosed by your gyno. An endocryonologist can help you with it. It isn't the end of the world - tons here have it. If it's anxiety, maybe some counseling would help alleviate your fears. And........maybe I could be wrong on both counts! =o) lol. I hope you can find out what's wrong. Good luck to you!
   — platypus

July 12, 2006
Have you been tested for diabetes? My aunt lost a lot of her hair when she was diagnosed with diabetes. Don't want to scare you, but just something to look into.
   — Vanessa C.

July 12, 2006
I have read that being very overweight can cause excess hair growth in women. I did read an explanation, but I do not remeber it. Something to do with estrogen.
   — Novashannon

July 12, 2006
PCOS:( Kinda the being oif diabetes, sort of according to my wifes doc. Causes all sorts of hormonal problems mood swings etc.
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2006
I started losing my hair about 2 yrs ago. I thought it was because of extreme stress of life changes and situations. When I was in dr office preop, I had several tell me that being overweight and/or being diagnosed with diabetes makes you lose your hair,(not all of it, but a lot). They said after their surgery their hair came back in. (after a few months). I still have some hair, but am waiting for it to grow back in. No new hair.I should know in 4-6 mos if it will come back in like it was. My thyroid was tested also and at first they said it was ok, then decided it was a little low, so I'm on med for it. But I am much older than you.
   — geneswife

July 13, 2006
Hi Christinia, I too have PCOS since I was 14 now I'm 42. Throu my teenage years I had lost alot of hair and still loosing hair, had menses early,hormone problem etc. There are alot of side effects in having PCOS. I haven't had menses now since 5 years ago and at times only spot. Everytime I brush my hair I get globs of hair coming out and also in just washing my hair. I haven't had the surgery yet but am suppose to have it on 07/20 but now Im getting over pnemonia so not sure about surgery date. I would check with an endocrine specialist. Some OBY GYN's will send you to the specialist and some wont. Let me know what happens with you
   — Kathleen Robinson

July 14, 2006
PCOS and hirsutism seem to ring a bell in my head as going together...also the high testosterone would make sense. Maybe you could do a websearch of these conditions and see if they make sense to you. Regards~
   — Statuesque

July 18, 2006
Christina, I am a nurse and have had problems with facial hair and thinning hair on top of my head for a long time preop. I saw a endocrinologist and had blood work which showed I had adrenal hyperplasia. It is not a bad diagnosis, but it causes excess testosterone which causes thinning hair and more facial hair. (P.S. Bald men have higher levels of testosterone than men with hair.) The treatment for this was to take Aldactone which is usually used for blood pressure reduction, but an endocrinologist knows Aldactone will decrease the testosterone levels. My advice is to see an endocrinologist to rule out the above. Margie
   — muffin56

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