Anyone ever vomit up saliva or foamy stuff?

I am 7 weeks out today and have recently started this within the last few days. my throat constantly feels filled with mucus. could this be causing it? Or am I getting an ulcer or striction? i'm getting really worried and not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be great. Christy--7 weeks post-op    — caskal02 (posted on June 7, 2006)

June 7, 2006
Christy, I remember going through "the foamies" and it usually occurred after overeating. I don't know the medical reasons for it, but it seemed as if putting too much in my pouch started the excessive salivation and the need to vomit. Sometimes it wasn't overeating, but something that didn't agree and it was usually meat. I still have some difficulty with meat, albeit not as much. I am six months post op.
   — LauraA

June 7, 2006
Hi Christy, I am five months out from an RNY and still have the foam balls as I put it. My doctor told me it is because the opening to my stomach is blocked with food and the the salvia can't go down so it starts to build up in the esphogus and eventually leads to throwing up. Try taking smaller bites and chewing your food very very well. You will notice a huge difference. I thought it was never going to stop, as I was throwing up at every meal. But slow down; take your time to eat your food, chew well and take small bites. This should help. If not, consult your doctor. I now only have the foam balls maybe 4 times a month now verses every day. It is a hard learning process to chew your food very well and to eat slow. I ask my family not to talk to me during meal time, because I need to concentrate on chewing my food. It sounds selfish but I need to get the food down the first time. Hope this helps, best wishes to you, Kristy
   — Kristy

June 7, 2006
Are you constantly vomittting? I got sick 2 months out & vomitted foamy/mucus stuff for 3 weeks. My surgeon said that 10% of his patients have this reaction, he called it the mucus phase. And it starts about 2 months out. If this is what you are doing, call your surgeon. I waited to call because I thought I was doing something wrong.
   — lori_m

June 8, 2006
Hello Christy, I am 4 months out had the same thing at 4 weeks. I do agree with the others about chewing your food as much as you can. I would also try to go to liquids for a couple of days if foam/mucus continues it could be a sign of another problem. I had a striction at my stoma and had to have an endoscope open me back up. As always it is best to call your Doctor.
   — Tina G.

June 8, 2006
I got the foamies if I ate and drank too close together. I still cannot eat within an hour of drinking or vice versa. (1.5 yr) It does make it difficult to get in everything I am supposed to!
   — Novashannon

June 9, 2006
Chew, Chew, Chew.
   — shannonwaycott

June 12, 2006
Hey Christy, The best way this was described to me was... I had an 'angry pouch'... which basically meant that I did something wrong. Either I ate too much, too fast, or something that didn't agree with me. This is all part of the tool that we are given to teach us. Use it and learn from it. You are ok, as long as you learn from it! I wish you all the best babe! Amber
   — septembergirl73

July 2, 2006
Christy. I'm 17 mo post op and I still get the foamies after eating something that did not agree w/me, too much sugar, or too much food in general. Nothing ever comes back up whole - it's always frothy or saliva. Chew your food slow and very well, avoid too much sugar and monitor what foods cause you to do this so you can avoid them.

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