Is it normal to have 2nd thoughts?

Up until now I have been so positive. My WLS is Friday. Now im freaking out. I have been coming across all of these horror stories. Help cant calm my nerves.    — Athinnermom (posted on January 13, 2010)

January 13, 2010
Freaking out is normal! I cleaned my house like a mad woman. Got as much "stuff" done as I could. Kept my mind off the actual surgery. I'm almost 6 months out and I've lost 88 lbs. I've had no complications, I feel great, so much energy! Maybe you could skip the website for the next couple of days so you don't "fuel the fire" RNY was the best thing I ever did, I should have done it years ago.
   — Nurseducky

January 13, 2010
   — bage09

January 13, 2010
The same thing has been happening to me,just stay away from all negative people.Someone recommended the book Before and After by Susan Leach.It is great and has receipes in the back .It tells her own experience all the way.It is great u gotta get it!Best of luck 2 u!
   — davonjack

January 13, 2010
Totaly normal. If you are not nervous or having second thoughts then you are not ready. Just stay possitive and this good strong possitive thoughts and everything will be ok. I'm 14 months out down 135 lbs and would not ask for a better exprience in my life, ever. Its also human nature to talk about the bad, and negative things, try your best to stay away from that, and if someone does start with a horror storie, tell them to stop. I wish you the best of luck, you are going to do great!
   — bostonkid33

January 13, 2010
Hi there, please don't get distracted by the all the problems/complications other people have. People don't normally go on the message board and say "hey I'm doing great, no complications". People will blog and post when they have concerns or problems. But you are just about where I was in the beginning, blood pressure and pre-diabetic. You are doing this at the right time. Before the problems get worse. You will do fine I promise!! Write down your worries its ok to worry and have concerns, but don't let it consume you!! I wish you had a better support system but keep up with the support groups and the boards to get answers you need. I think you have done a wonderful job reading your story and you should be proud of yourself, your girls will be so proud of you also. Your only regret will be why you didn't do this sooner!! Good luck, Toni
   — ToniLee

January 13, 2010
I was freaked out. I had surgery 12/28/09. I know people die from this surgery. I kept visualizing myself after the surgery doing well at home. When I came home, I had no pain or nausea. I am full of energy. I am optimistic about improving my health. I had some problems after the surgery but, the hospital handled everything well. My doctor told me the risk is about the same as gall bladder surgery. I never hear about people dying from having their gall bladder out. Wishing great success to you.
   — MargaretHM

January 13, 2010
I sort of panicked the last day or two also. I got through by telling myself what my life would be like on the "other side" after the surgery. I am one and a half years out and am down 140 pounds. The surgery was the best decision I have ever made. Prior to it I could not walk from one end of my house to the other without being out of breath and the pain in my back and legs. This past summer, I went horseback riding and para-sailing and have also started riding my bike again. My next goal is to try to start running again. Yes indeed, the surgery gave me a new start at life!
   — sandorah

January 13, 2010
LOLOL 2nd and 3rd and even 4th ....Don't doubt yourself... you searched your heart and soul to make this decision. You are ready for a change in your life or you wouldn't be doing this. You are going into the unknown and the old overweight life is one you are used to and comfortable with. The night before my surgery I stayed at my parents house... I looked at my mom and said "Remind me again why I am doing this?" it's kinda like wedding day jitters..... don't worry you will be fine.... i am 4 1/2 months out and 86 pounds down.... and annoyed that i didnt do it sooner than I did... however I know I wasn't ready before.
   — MarthaJ0110

January 13, 2010
I think it's normal to have 3rd and 4th thoughts!! Some people feel like they have finally made it and go in with a calm and peace like no other. For me, the night before was the worst time in the entire process. I was worried and wondering if I had made the right decision, tossed and turned, etc. I was on 9 prescription medications that night, and within 3 weeks I was off all of them. 5 years later, I am still down at least 100 pounds from my high weight, and have not had to go back on any of the meds. Within a year I was also able to stop using the CPAP. No one makes a major life change like this without some trepidation. You've worked hard for this.. Faith and blessings on your new life!
   — Chip Locke

January 13, 2010
If you weren't freaking out and nervous you wouldn't be human. I was fine until the morning of my VSG surgery. There are horror stories to ANY kind of surgery and there are always those who are happy to tell you their scary stories. Just focus on creating positive thoughts and energy for yourself and your journey. This will be the best gift you have EVER given to yourself and you will be all the healthier and happier for it. Just remind yourself of all the reasons that you made this decision to begin with. You will do just fine. And all of us are here to support you after your surgery as you walk your journey day-by-day. We all need each other and need encouraging from time-to-time. I am 18 months out, have lost 80 pounds, maintaining and in fact still losing. I come here to this website every day for encouragement, to encourage others and stay focused. It's a fantastic journey and I wouldn't have changed a single thing!!!! You will be thrilled with your decision!!!!
   — Jodi L.

January 14, 2010
Totally normal you are about to make a life changing choice. I remeber the morning of my surgery having to be to the hospital at 5am and wanting to tell my husband turn around i want to go home but once i was at the hospitial my nerves calmed and i just went with it. You made the choice for a reason just remeber that!! :) you will be great
   — volkswagenmome

January 14, 2010
I know what you WLS is next Wednesday, and while I am REALLY excited, I can't help but remember that there are risks with any surgery. Still, I know that I am doing the right thing, and I'm anxious to get to the other side of the surgery!
   — sponge0

January 16, 2010
We all had second thoughts just prior to surgery. I am 10 months out from my RNY and down 107 pounds, feeling great and no complications. You'll do great!
   — rkurquhart

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