I take the B-12 dots under the tongue but i still don't have a lot of energy I feel l

   — weeta (posted on April 2, 2009)

April 2, 2009
You could be low on Iron. This will also leave you with no engery. Doa b complex vitamin and an iron suppliment to see if it helps. When will you be having labs run again? You may wnat to have them done if it has been awhile
   — trible

April 2, 2009
There's not a lot of info on your profile...but you LOOK FABULOUS! GORGEOUS! So you're not a very new post op...I'd say go get a full set of all your vitamin labs, CBC's, lipid panel and thyroid checked. Look closely at all your levels, even levels in the low but normal range can make you feel bad and often can drop really fast if you don't know you are getting low....So if you recently had labs, get copies and look at the numbers and compare to the normal ranges...Some vitamins (the non toxic ones) I like to keep really high and others mid to mid-high range...NONE low! A lack of energy can be a symptom to so many different things, and it's bothering you enough to ask a question, just go in and get labs so you and your doc can find the answer! Feel better! Many times it's just a matter of upping a vitamin dose or adding an extra supplement or medication for thyroid or allergies...etc!
   — .Anita R.

April 2, 2009
So maybe I'm not seeing it in your profile but if you already had surgery the b-12 dot wont absorb correctly into your system and you have to get b-12 thru another method. Just not sure where you are in your journey.
   — Mindy S.

April 2, 2009
You can get a precription for B12 that you snort nasaly once a week. Try this. If this doesn't work, then have the shots given to you either by the doctor or yourself.
   — texasweb

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