Does anyone know of a good plastic surgeon in the San Francisco Area

that would work with me after my wls. i heard of some wls surgeons who do plasic sugery ofter one gets to their goal weight. im trying to find the best why to go about getting the plastic surgery that i need w/out paying out of pocket if possible. any suggestions on what or where to go. i had the medial gastric bypass 7/24/08 thanks!    — ROSIE408 (posted on November 24, 2008)

November 24, 2008
I applaud you on looking ahead into the far future to locate an appropriate plastic surgeon. Yet, what I have to write you may seem harsh. I do not mean for it to be harsh at all. I am writing what I write to help you. May you receive what I offer in the way it is intended. It may not even be necessary for you to have any plastic surgery. Yet, here I am, almost 4 years out from my RNY and my body is still slenderizing and my weight is still coming off. I've lost 145# and still have a bit of loose skin but the amount of lose skin is becoming less, lots less. I'm still working on me to be the best I can be. I am not considering plastic surgery at all. I took a look at your profile and sense plastic surgery may not be relevant for you. Your body may tone completely up. Over the years, I've also attended support group meetings where I've witnessed folks who lost minimal weight, had lots of plastic surgery, still went back for a redo of the original RNY, and still was looking to plastic surgery to solve weight and flab issues without working on the mechanics of eating, exercising, and nutrition,, or changing their negative "victim" mindset. Yet, I do know if you approach plastic surgery before it is appropriate and continue to lose weight, your appearance will suffer -- as any reputable plastic surgeon will tell you. You may find your body very wierd to look at. I've also attended support group meetings where plastic surgeons have hosted lots of dinners to "tell" us about the benefits they have to offer. Those doctors appeared to be hawking plastic surgery at all costs simply to enrich themselves. Yet, I still applaud your looking forward into the far future; but, at the same time I question your thinking. You have choices with the tool you've received. If you are thinking, "I'll always have a fat body; therefore, I need plastic surgery." That is "victim" thinking. Your surgery was 4 months ago. To put it bluntly, your own words of, "I'm trying to find the best way to go about getting the plastic surgery that I need," is victim thinking. Recently, all support group leaders had the opportunity to learn about victim, survivor, and thriver thinking, behaviors, and how to become thrivers. I would suggest you search for a support group in the San Francisco area and ask the leader if he or she took this training. If not, that training is still available on the OH leader board and they can still get the instruction and pass it on to their support groups members. I recommend you take this training from him or her. Then, when you have become a thriver, and no longer a victim, or even a survivor (which typically happens when you get close to goal weight or lose 100 lbs, whichever is first), you could then see if plastic surgery is still necessary and ask your question about a plastic surgeon in the San Francisco area where you don't have to spring for any out-of-pocket money. For myself, my body is still slenderizing. I told the folks who attended my weight loss support group last Thursday evening that my thighs are now commencing to slenderize, my apron is going away, and my angel wings are becoming less prominant as well. My body is commencing to look pretty shapely. I plateaued for over 2 1/2 years after losing 135# and regaining 15. I am again losing. Since August, I've lost 30 lbs. I also strongly support the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations. I am not even considering plastic surgery. I am 71 1/2 and I'm continuing to work on toning my body through eating the right foods, getting sufficient liquids, and exercising to be the best I can be. My mirror and tape measure is showing such positive results! I believe the same can be true for you. Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OH Coach and WLS Surgery Support Group Leader.
   — Christine Gibson

November 25, 2008
It is important that you find a Plastic Surgeon when/if the time comes that is sensative to and understands the needs of us "former fatties". I highly recommend Dr. Eric Mariotti from Concord to anyone seeking a Plastic Surgeon. Once you get close to your goal and stop lossing weight and you feel you need PS you should talk to a couple of surgeons. I consulted with 2 before choosing Dr. Mariotti and that was one of the best decisions I have ever made. He and his office staff are the best. Good luck to you on your weightloss journey.
   — tazfan

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