
has anyone been able to go to a nutritionist post op, and have it covered by the insurance. I am 3 weeks out and starting food and I know that if I cannot get a specific menu with measurements I have a hard time. I would love to be able to find daily menus for the post op.    — jlh1129 (posted on January 2, 2008)

January 2, 2008
Wow, I haven't had that problem. In my approval letter from BCBS everything that is follow-up is covered. Not to mention, it was my understanding that all the "scheduled" visits (non-emergent) are part of the total billing my physician. So are the follow-up visits after the surgery. Just the visits, not bloodwork and what not... I could be wrong but that is what I remember from my paperwork. Good Luck to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

January 2, 2008
Your doctor should have given you all that info. Call them. I don't know about the insurance. My doc has a support group once a month with a nutritionist. From there I got a book from It has meals, etc. Good luck. Pat
   — pjennjr

January 2, 2008
My insurance covers me for all my post op visits. Are you sure there's a problem with this, or are you assuming? You need to be followed by a nutritionist due to the risk of malnutrition and dehydration. Call your company and find out what they need from your doctor to get this covered.
   — Shirley D.

January 2, 2008
It should be part of your follow up for the first year. Your surgeon's office can recomend one. Good luck, God bless!
   — crystalsno

January 2, 2008
My doc requires we see a nutritionist every six weeks and has two on staff. My insurance covers all of it. I am surprised your doc has not set this up for you. You should call him.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 3, 2008
I had my RNY at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, TN. All follow up is at no charge other than lab tests and that includes the availabiity of two nutritionist on staff. You can see them at the clinic , you can call or e-mal them anytime. The Centennial Bariatric Program is fabulous. I was shocked to find that all future follow up visits were at no chargeI chose Dr. Hugh Houston after attending attending many different seminars. He is a gifted surgeon and also a caring person. It It awesome that your future follow up is included with your surgery fee including the nutritionist.
   — t_roxus

January 4, 2008
Call your Doc now. I had to go to a class that was part of the surgery pre-op. I email and call the nutritionist all the time and they are great helping me over the bumps in the road. I found several books on with recipes that are great. My entire family likes the new food that I eat, and everyone is learing to eat less in support of me and my wls.
   — William (Bill) wmil

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