Is it possible for very slow losers to reach goal within 1 year

Im 6mos post op and have lost 65 lbs.    — RNAY (posted on April 11, 2007)

April 11, 2007
I don't know what your goal weight is but I think it is attainable if you need to lose 100 lbs or less. I am 64 lbs down in about 5 months and feel I am losing slowly too, however my goal is 88 lbs and I think I will be there in another 3 months. Good luck!
   — Sheri A.

April 11, 2007
Well, I don't know about slow loosing. I've lost half that in 2 months time and am looking for to have lost at least 65 lbs by the end of June -- that would put me closer to my goal weight of 160-165. Everyone looses at a different pace; however, I was told that patients have a year from the surgery to loose the weight they desire to loose and then after that the weight loss becomes harder. I'm hoping to be at least really close to my goal by Feb. 2008
   — the7thdean

April 12, 2007
Hi Renea, thanks for asking. You don't say how much you have to lose. Losing 65 pounds in six months is not slow by any means, what are you talking about? Wls does not dictate that we lose 5 pounds a week. Many many people, especially women, lose 1 to 2 pounds a week after the first few weeks. That was the case with me. I lost about 1 to 2 pounds a week and took off 120 pounds in just over a year. If you are keeping up the protein, water and exercise, you can expect that this will be a good result for you too, whether it is all your weight off or just some. Don't be discouraged, enjoy and celebrate what you have lost and take one week at a time, the end result will come, but focus one week at a time. You are doing great, keep up the good work! Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

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