What if I remain Hypothyroidism, will I be eligible for surgery?

I am going through Kaiser. When I did my initial blood work my Dr. found that my thyroid was low and placed me on Levothroid. I have been taking it for 4 weeks now and in two weeks I re-test my level. My PCP said she thought I would be fine and that she put my referral in for a surgeon. She said that she also indicated that I am re-testing in a few weeks. So....I don't know what to think and I am bummed.    — Patti G. (posted on September 8, 2006)

September 8, 2006
I have hypothyroid. And the dr. still think I am good canidate for the surgery
   — touchbyangel

September 8, 2006
I was diagnosed hypothryroid almost 25 yrs. ago and have been on levoxyl ever since. This did not in anyway affect my qualifications for surgery. Taking your medication will level out your hormone level, but unfortunately you won't drop alot of pounds as a rule. Good luck to you! Rhonda surgery 8/05/05 down 106 lbs.
   — hoosiergirl57

September 8, 2006
i have to agree wit rr above. i also am hypothyroid (11yrs.) just keep taking your meds, and followup with your md as she asks. be patient also, sometimes it takes weeks to months to get you to a proper dose, so definitely get all blood tests she orders. you'll be fine, sounds like your md seems positive. good luck.
   — Fluffy W.

September 8, 2006
I've was on levoxl pre-op (have graves disease dx 89), and my 1 yr labs post op showed by thyroid levels were off, so I am on the highest dose of synthyroid now.....probably because of the malabsorbortion issues of RNY. IMHO, I would wait for surgery until your thyroid levels are normal for at least a month. Good luck!!
   — SJWendy

September 8, 2006
I had surgery 10 days ago. Hypothryoidism was my only co-morb, so it HELPED me get approved. Just go along with the medication. I am on levoxyl. I expect to be off of it within the next few months. Good luck. Michelle
   — MomofKate

September 8, 2006
Patti, Don't be bummed out about it. Think about it this way, it's better to find out and have it treated before the surgery then it not be treated and you have complications after the surgery. Anything they find wrong with me prior to the surgery, I want it resolved so that my recovery will be short. My surgeon's office should be submitting my request to the insurance company sometime next week. So I should know something within the next week or so. They had all my tests with the exception of the psyche eval and that's because the therapist that performed my pysche eval was on vacation when the test she had me take came back so she had faxed it over this past Thursday. So we will see what happens over the next few weeks. I should hear something. Don't be discouraged because you are being treated for something before surgery, count it a blessing and be not anxious for anything. Peace,
   — the7thdean

September 10, 2006
I have been hypothyroid for 14+ years; and it was never an issue in regards to my WLS. I still take the same dose of Levothroid daily, but that's no big deal... Don't worry about this - I'm sure it won't affect your qualification! Was 331# (WLS 4/5/05) Now 216#
   — Melody.Cotrel

September 12, 2006
Go to the surgeon and get your date. When you get the results of the new lab test, send them to the surgeon. No use wating. You might as well have both things going, so you don't have to wait longer for a date. Make sure to check with your insurance company by phone or online and get a copy of their clinical guidelines for bariatric surgery, so that you can make surre you have complied with all the conditions.
   — Novashannon

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