
Hello! I'm am almost 7 years out having my Open RNY on 4/23/2004. I am 6 feet tall and once weighed 320 lbs and now weigh 165. I'm pleased that I have maintained my weight within 10 pounds over all these years. BUT....3 weeks ago, I had a a Grand Mal SEIZURE! This was my first and only seizure. I don't have a family history of seizures either. Since being hospitalized and still doing numerous tests through an endocrinologist and dietician which includes having my Blood Glucose levels tested for 5 days having a monitor implanted in me and also testing my hormones. I had a normal EKG, MRI & CT scan yet an abnormal EEG. I recently had a sleep deprived EEG and will find out the results next week. I've been learning about Reactive Hypoglycemia and some resulting in seizures. I have lost my drivers license for 6 months because of this seizure! Has anyone else experiences seizures after their surgery? What have you learned? What advice can you give me to learn more about this? Are there experts in this field? Are there any studies out there? Thanks so much - this has been consuming my life.    — butterflygirl (posted on March 27, 2011)

March 27, 2011
I can understand why this is consuming your life and I hope for the best. Did you tell the doctors about your RNY? If so, I'm sure they would have told you if there is any connection. Let us know how you're doing.
   — Muggs

March 27, 2011
Wow, I have never heard of anyone having zeisures after an RNY but I guess anything is possible....sorry that I dont have an answe to your questions, it seems like you are doing everything that you are supposed to do in order to find and answer, I trully hope you get one....Please keep us posted on your journey through this, and I can honestly speak for everyone here when I say we wish you all the best and our prayers are with you.
   — Jovanna P.

March 27, 2011
I don't know anything about this personally but check out, she does have personal knowledge on this issue. Blessings!
   — ALF

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