Can my lack of a thyroid be slowing my weight loss? Anyone

have a RNY and but already had a thyroidectomy and have a slow going weight loss? Im afriad I will be the only WLS falure in history! I am 3 weks out and don't seem to be dropping. Am following the 3 protein shks./3puree meals and am not varing from the diet at all...only dropped 8 lbs    — beanieweenie (posted on April 10, 2010)

April 10, 2010
My doctor had told me it can take as long as a couple of months just to get rid of all the fluid and gas accumulated during surgery. Eight pounds in the first 3 weeks is fine. Even for those of us with our thyroids in tact, part of the journey is worrying that the weight loss might not happen for us. I'm almost 5 months out and have found that in the short term the scale doesn't tell the whole story. As often as not I'll lose inches before the scale reflects the change. So just do what you're supposed to be doing and prepare for a much better life!
   — Janell C.

April 10, 2010
Best thing you can do is back away from the scale. We each lose differently. Plus you just had major surgery - a shock to your system which is already altered by the thyroidectomy. When you're allowed, start your exercise program. That will help boost weight loss. But most of all remember that comparing yourself to others, even those who've had a thyroidectomy, will only serve to make you crazy and suffer unnecessary anguish.
   — Arkin10

April 10, 2010
I assume that you are taking medication to replace your thyroid hormones. I have hypothyroidism. My family doctor told me that the wls surgery can effect thyroid function. It may be helpful to talk to your doctor about getting you thyroid levels drawn.
   — MargaretHM

April 10, 2010
Well, I still have my thyroid and I'm a guy (sorry, we tend to lose weight faster) and it was pretty slow for me the first few weeks. It will pick up! And... slow & steady is the way to win this race. As long as the scale is going in the right direction... and you're following your plan... you're good to go! Best wishes on your journey, and welcome to the "loser's bench!"
   — Greg K.

April 10, 2010
wow thank you all for your great answers. I appreciate you taking the time to assure me and those that read in future...
   — beanieweenie

April 11, 2010
The short answer is "Yes." If you do not have your thyroid medication at the proper level, it can drastically affect your weight loss. Have your thyroid hormone levels checked, and if they are low, get your medication adjusted.
   — hubarlow

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