RNY whats the difference in a proximal or distal ?

Hope this is not a totally dumb question.    — Tammy D. (posted on January 18, 2009)

January 18, 2009
I know that proximal means close to your body and distal means away from it (your fingers are distal to your elbow)(your hips are proximal to your knees)etc but I don't know how that relates to RNY. Tracy
   — tracybutterfield

January 18, 2009
Tammy, In relation to your anatomy, for example your wrist... your fingers are proximal to your wrist (close in proximity) and your elbow is Distal to your wrist (further distance from). Hope this helps :-)
   — Elizabeth J.

January 18, 2009
From what I understood from my surgeon, distal means that they cut more of your intestine and proximal means they cut less. If it is distal, you are likely to lose more weight because your are more likely to dump from least that is the way I understand everything.
   — Brandy H.

January 18, 2009
Most of us that have RNY have proximal RNY...It is the least of the malabsorption surgeries...Distal takes more of the intestines and malabsorption of nutrients and vitamins as well as fats and calories are greater as are the risks of malnutrional problems...Most surgeons will not do distal from what I understand...However DS has the MOST malabsorption. But the surgery is quite different...With any of the GB surgeries malabsorption causes issues with nutrition and vitamins are a daily part of your life and must be taken for the rest of yor life. Labs are so important to have done yearly to make sure those vitamin levels are good!
   — .Anita R.

February 15, 2009
Wow... I just learned something new about RNY...thanks Anita R and thanks Tammy for asking.
   — CinnSareLee

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