B-12 deficency

Hi. I have had severe dizziness for the past two days. WEnt to my PCP yesterday afternoon and she said it could be vertigo, but could also be a B12 deficency. I did labs today; so will know something in the next couple days. My question to you is: if you've suffered this deficiency in the past, what were your symptoms. I'm kinda freaked out by the dizziness.    — hatda (posted on April 10, 2008)

April 10, 2008
hello....i find myself getting dizzy too more often...usually when i get up after sitting's usually like a head rush that lasts a few seconds and then i'm fine....are you taking your B12 sublingual tablet every day? i also find my blood sugar dropping throughout the day and have to eat every 3 hours or i start getting i'm not necessarily hungry, but i'll start getting really shakey and disoriented if i wait too long to eat....i'm not really too freaked out over it...i mean afterall we cut our calorie intakes considerably and if you exercise alot like i do youre probably not taking in enough calories...hope this helped shed some light a little for you...lizzie
   — lizzie42

April 10, 2008
I too was diaganosed with B-12 deficiency. The oral form of B-12 may not be getting into your system. You may need to do shots. I give myself a B-12 shot in the leg every month. I never felt dizzy or anything though and I would have nver known if it didnt come back on the blood work.
   — Joanc

April 10, 2008
this happened to me about 2 1/2 months post op and when i went and had labs they told me i was getting dehydrated and i had a virus coming on. i pushed fluids and a couple days later it was gone. low blood levels as well as low b12 can both cause dizziness. low blood sugars and blood pressures can also cause dizziness. good luck and stay safe. don't change positions too fast and don't drive! , hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

April 10, 2008
I got that way too, found I was low in Iron and B12. I took Iron for a bit to get back on track, and then started taking monthly b12 shots. I now use Nascobal which is a B12 Nasal Spray. Readings have been great, and I administer the dose once a week. I had never passed out and when I did, it was the weirdest feeling ever, so Iknow how you feel. Ask your doc about that Nascobal. Good luck!!
   — Llinddyy

April 11, 2008
I had it happen to me in a store so bad that I passed out. When I bent over to tie my shoes, I cam up to fast and just passed out, but I fell backwards through a glass display and made a real mess over everything. I went to my sergeon and my cardoligest and they said that my weight loss was causing me to have low blood pressure, and that I had something that is common to WLS patients, when my resting blood flow does not catch up as fast when I rise, and this causes the blood to flow slowly to the brain for just a few seconds when yuou start to move. I also suffered B-12 issues, andthey gave me a shot and I felt grat in just a day, but a week later it wore off. It turns out the shots will get you up quickly, but you need to take something to keep it up. The over the counter drugs did not work for me, so I went to Building Blocks who make baraitric suppliments. They have a B-12 tables and a B-12 spray for under the tounge that works great. I get blood test every 60 days and things are staying up fine now. Their web address is
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 12, 2008
I had gastric bypass August 2003. Just found out that I was B-12 deficent as I asked my PCP to do blood tests. I have some hair loss and ridges in my nails. I now take B-12 sublingual tablet each day (1100 mcg) HGe'll redo blood tests in 3 months to see if supplement helped. Good luck!
   — AZJulie

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