I'm on a liquid diet but I ate some solid food today my surgery is May 23rd do

You think it would effect my surgery if so then I may need to cancel my surgery date. I was just starving I have been on liquids for almost 2 weeks.    — kbcelliott (posted on May 20, 2007)

May 20, 2007
Kim, the reason that they put you on a liquid diet is to have you lose some weight prior to surgery, shrink you liver (which will make it safer for the laparoscopic surgery) and to get you in the mind set of liquids. You will be on liquids after surgery. And, depending upon the doctor will either be on them when you get home or will be on a full liquid diet or soft food diet (cream of wheat, yogurt, etc) This isn't going to mess up your surgery and you won't even have to mention it to your doctor that you fell off the "liquid wagon" Just keep doing the liquid thing, drink your water and good luck on your upcoming surgery....
   — Kari_K

May 20, 2007
How much did you eat & what? Do you have a colon cleansing before surgery? Tell your surgeon or prep person. I doubt they will cancel but make sure you give them the truth. The last thing you would want is complications. Good luck, relax, & follow doctors orders ALWAYS! We all have our moments, but don't beat your self up. Stress won't solve anything. Praying all goes well, Jozee
   — jozee

May 20, 2007
Hi Kim, I too would admit it to my surgeon to avoid any complications. Depending on what kind of foot you eat depends on how long it takes for the food to pass through your system. Some foods don't digest as well as others. Especially foods with rufage in them. If it was like cereal or yogurt or something, I'd say don't worry about it, but pizza's and pastas or steak is a surgeon discussgion. Good luck, Jennifer
   — JGDugar

May 20, 2007
Thank God I didn't have to do the liquid diet 2 weeks prior to surgery. Only had to do liquid diet 4 days before surgery and then 2 days before surgery had to drink the fleet phososoda. 1 each day...UGH that was totally hard to keep down it tasted sooooo nasty. They just want you cleaned out as much as possible before hand. I'd mention that you did have food to your surgeon and then ask him if you drink the phososoda 2 days before if that is ok? I have had absolutely NO complications from surgery, but then again my surgeon's office is ranked number 1 in Georgia and number 2 in the United States, so they know what they are doing and have done over 4,000 surgeries and have a less than 1% death rate. Hang in there kiddo it DOES get better I promise! Good luck! Can't wait to see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

May 20, 2007
Make a pot of chicken soup. Strain the chicken and enjoy the broth. The protein will sustain you! The canned broth won't do it because there is very little protein in it.
   — Sheri A.

May 20, 2007
Kari said what I was going to'll be just fine. Don't worry! :O) Trish
   — zoeysgrami

May 20, 2007
Hi Kim, thanks for writing. You are doing a tough thing just before surgery. I remember the challenge to not eat, and how tough it was. Being anxious, wanting that last meal, and having only cranberry juice (my choice to strengthen my kidneys). The answer to your question is no I don't think it will affect what goes on 3 days from now. The thing about the liquid diet is that the doctors are testing you. Are you willing to sacrifice for something you really want? Are you really willing to follow their instruction, or find your way around it. Ok, you made an error, and fell for the hunger thing. But just stick with the liquid for the next 2 days, and you will be cleaned out. Don't let yourself stray from the liquids again, it really is for your benefit in many ways. It shows the doctors your resolve, and it also loosens up your liver to make it easier to work around. It could mean the difference in laproscopic and open surgery. Stick to the liquids, and don't beat yourself for a mistake. It should pass in 48 hours. You do have to tell your surgeon that you ate on Sunday, and report how you dealt with it afterwards, but I do think you will be fine. Please push the water, as much as you can for the next two days as well. Hydration is precious during surgery and it will also help flush out the solids you have taken in:) You made the mistake, but you can help correct it by moving it along. Only two days to go girl! Hang in there! Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 21, 2007
My dr. only put us on a liquid diet 48 hrs prior to surgery. So I think you are going to be fine as long as you don't eat anything else between now and the day of your surgery. Good luck and see you on the losing side.
   — hugger1021

May 21, 2007
i say eat what you can now befor your surgery, because your gonaa have to change dedfinately once you get the wls. i did. enjoy now then later
   — yvettetas

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