Has anyone experienced pain in their left side under ribs?

I have had sharp pain on my left side just above pouch under ribs. Had a negative contrast CT scan Tuesday but still have pain. Nurse said lots of patients complain of this pain that seems to have no pathology- but I just can't imagine living with this type of pain. It does not come and go, it stays. I also feel bloated but it doesn't seem like gas pain. Any one have this experience? What did you do? What was the outcome?    — ppaige (posted on January 27, 2006)

January 27, 2006
I have that, surgery was on 1/9/06. At my 1 week follow up the Dr. said he used the ribs for leverage as he torqued the trocar to open up space.
   — loki7

January 27, 2006
I had the same pain and I was told that this pain is usually near the biggest incision, where the stapler went in. About 2 months later it was gone.
   — Nipty

January 27, 2006
I have experienced this also. My pain/discomfort normally lasts anywhere from 1 day to 1 week getting so severe that it hurts to breathe, sit, walk, anything. When I asked about it I was told that it was probably an irritation in the intestines. That area is where most of the work is done during the surgery. This could be caused from anything including spicy food, low tolerance to food, gas, or other irritations. I have found no way to ease the pain so if you come up with anything please let me know. Thanks, D'Juana
   — dl_roark

January 27, 2006
I am glad someone else is having this problem also. I am 8 months out and I still have spells of a lot of pain there....I start getting worried, but I wait it out and it finally lets up. I chalk it up to either pushing my luck with eating or the types of food i do eat.
   — Angelfirewithwings

January 27, 2006
I'm 2 years out and experienced this especially after I ate. I had all the tests ran and everything was fine. My doc said he could almost guarantee me that it was a hernia but the only way to find out for sure is to go in and see. I went in for exploratory surgery last March and sure enough...thats what it was.
   — boonikki29

January 28, 2006
I am almost two years out. Started having pains in my old tummy about two months ago - and in my new tummy about two weeks ago. I go for an endoscopy and other tests on Tuesday. The suspected culprit is stomach ulcers.
   — marypaige

January 28, 2006
I have had same complaint and was told the same thing. Now after 3 yrs and fighting for tests, I have gastritis, ulcers, esophagual spasms, Crohns disease and am "sensitive" to all dairy, beef, peanuts and chocolate. I would recommend you continue to investigate this if it continues to be a problem. Good luck
   — Nut Picker

January 28, 2006
Gee, and I thought I was just a slow healer. I have that pain as I sit here, and I'm just a few days shy of 3 months out. I was told it was probably internal scar tissue healing. seemed like an ok response. I also had the contrast CT about 2 weeks post surgery, and it was negative. I'm not happy about the prospect of feeling this for the rest of my life.
   — puppymutts

January 30, 2006
I'm three years out and still periodically (when lying on my left side) get a tugging sensation under my left ribs. I never had it checked out because I always assumed that it was the titaneum ring that they used to affix my old stomach to my abdominal wall. If I shift my position, it eases up. But maybe this is not the same thing you're talking about....
   — johanniter

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