
Well I donn't really know how to ask this question other than just explain what happened. I am 2 months post revison to RNY from VBG. I was not feeling very hungry on Sat, so i just had a few ritz crackers for dinner. I have the occasionally. I woke up Sunday morning feeling the urge to go poop. Well I tried but no luck and again got the same crampy feeling. I decided to get up and walk around downstairs. Well I was able to go but while I was "going" I started to have DRY RETCHING. Nothing was coming up, I did not even feel sick at my stomach. Yet, there I was on the potty uncontrollably retching. What the heck was going on? When I sat up straight the retching stopped. So weird!    — Andrea_1972 (posted on January 3, 2010)

January 3, 2010
I thought I was the only one that happened to and have been too embarrassed to bring it up to my Dr. It's happened quite a few times. And it's not that I'd been constipated. From mouth to rectum is one continous system; maybe it's not so odd? I look forward to any responses, too.
   — Rebecca T.

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