Was anyone able to easily consume large amt of liquid after RNY?

Had RNY on October 20. I have so far found that I am able to take in, easily, 7 ounces of liquids even if that is with a protein mix in an hour. I am concerned that not only was that amount high but that many on this site say they have difficulty with getting down the liquids. My doctor's office said they were not concerned at 7 ounces and that they honestly don't see many people have difficulty with liquids. I do know that I may sip too fast and I am working on that. My question is two part; first I don't feel full or satisfied - is that how others felt? Second, I'm nervous that the pouch wasn't made to the 1 ounce size and therefore will I be as successful in WL if I can consume 7 ounces of liquid "most" hours without feeling full? Anyone experience this or have a better answer from their doctor?    — Annette M. (posted on October 28, 2009)

October 28, 2009
Please be patient with your body - get a LARGE drink container with a straw - fill it with what ever you like to drink - I like crystal light - keep it with you at all times and SIP - it soon becomes automatic - but you need to do it tiny sips ALL DAY and all evening - before you know it you are drinking the recommended amount - the key is tiny sips - good luck Lynn Green
   — Lynn G.

October 28, 2009
Using a straw is a big NO NO. I will put air in your pouch and you don't want that. This is from my nutritionist and doctor.
   — Alicia H.

October 28, 2009
Hi, congrats on your surgery, you are just fine. My surgeon told me that drinking too much is not that big a deal, as long as it is not causing pain in your pouch. This early you could feel some pain or not. As for the straw thing, Camelbak makes a fabulous water bottle that my doc is now recommending to all his patients, because of the bite valve technology it does not allow excess air in when you drink from it. It has saved me, I take it everywhere I go and easily get in 3 - 24 ounce bottles a day sometimes more. With RNY we have an opening at the base of our pouch instead of a valve so water and liquids flow through fairly quickly which probably explains why you are not feeling full. I never felt full when I was at your stage of the game, that started when I added more solid foods. Just remember if it is a protein drink and you are drinking them constantly your calorie level may go to high, so be careful. That being said, enjoy your new life! I am 10.5 months out and reached my goal, I am a size 4 for the first time in my life and it is amazing. Good luck, you are an amazing, courageous person!
   — brindledanes

October 28, 2009
Thank you so much for posting this question. I had RNY on 10/22 and have been experiencing the same thing except I have not tried protein yet.I definitely do not feel full or satisfied which makes me wonder about other stages. I have been drink 1/2 strength apple juice. I would like to try grape or cranberry but I think there is too much sugar per serving 38 - 42.
   — seaqueen35

October 29, 2009
I was told that a liquid goes right thru the pouch and you cannot stretch it out by drinking I am not saying gulping is isn't. Drink small sips but doing it fast is ok with what I am told. I had no problems and a straw was out of the question. I drank with a spoon...soup broth etc and found I could consume 16 ounces in about 45 minutes. I have a 4 ounce pouch at 16 months out. I did fine. You will too. But I would agree that slower is probably better at your stage. No need to rush! <smile> best of luck to you! hugs,Kim
   — gpcmist

October 29, 2009
I was told to sip all liquids and to never use a straw.
   — Karen D.

November 2, 2009
Liquids I could always drink large amounts. Even the day after surgery I could consume 24 ozs at one "meal." I would have a cup of broth, 6-8 ozs sugar free jello, iced tea and water. I had no problems ever with liquids.
   — rkurquhart

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